
Showing posts from March, 2016

shocking news!!!

Mine LARD! I had herd that deerly lady amo has gotten burnt. I kennot undrestand this. Had anybady put her in tha toaster? Fother had burnt tha toast lake MINE amo had gotten burnt. I ken give advice and support: don't NEVER agree, lake Ok I will try dangerous things. If you are smert lake Buuton, you ken say "No. That is not wot I lake. I will not swim in tha waters. I will not git onto tha bowt. I will not sit undrneeth wan person jangling keys. I will not NEVER git into a toaster oven." MINE deerly lady this is a wanderfull way to keep safe and protect your self. It is trooly too bad you didn't lern fram me befour. I wisht you ken stop infecting your burn and heel. I am sending RAYKEE. lave, buuton

This weak

I had gone shopping four Papa becawse he had needed a rain jacket fram North Faced. You ken see mammy had taken off mine harness so I could roll mine hairs back into place. Shhhh. Don't not tell tha staffs. I am "sleeping in" with the hotpatch as a pillo. Sum lake cold pillo, I lake hot. hear you ken really git the harness feeling out of your hairs it reigned this weak which ken bring flours

MINE Anniversary

Ate years ago I had gotten adopted. I don't remamber never having had wan different lafe befour mammy and Papa. Here you ken see I had gotten to lick THREE plates plus gotten a large thick Becker Bites plus sum salads. Grate.

This is me

I am looking rather famus. I am at my frands sojo at opening.

Everybady knows

I can't never lake to brag. So I hope it is not to much to say: This is Teddy. He has gotten a nanny whom walks him. Her name it Gretchin. She laves dags. She always picks up Teddy becawse he lakes to be carried. He is "spoilt". He is "shy". He is "gentile". I lake seeing him and mem and deddy lake him and they lake nice Gretchin. Pardon me four bragging how Gretchin gave me Stella & Chewy real meat treat that is wan of my favrites. SHe had sed "He looks grate in the swetter. He is grate dag." Mam sed "yes. he laves stella & chewy and gits to eet it every date." Fother sed "He (bootun) is spoilt. He gits the best walks every date. He gits the best pets every date. Tha best foods. Now we are having an adoption anniversary and wot more ken we do?" Gretchin sed: "Yes. You must rent a Cruz ship and invite his frands." I kennot weight. P.S. Have you never herd of "Tina Fey"? That is Teddy's

Four luccaa

Have you never tried a corner-puffy-sleep-tuck? It is also wanderfull.

Mine weekend

I took it easy so mam and Papa kuld, klean, kook, work and such. On those dates it is best to relax, sleep, EET and go to tha perk. this puppy was fun & played games lake "Circle Batton Face w. his Tale" Silent Protest aginst meen Trumpf

Four white feet went walking

With MINE Papa to tha bike store. Than I spotted memmy coming to meat us. Wot a gråte surprise. P.ß. I am lerning menny languages.

Sonshine on MINE scholder

Peekaboo! I had sat here to ketch some rays. You got to git it while you ken becawse it might snew tomorrow.


Mam said she laves softy panties in all colors. Thairfour I have them too. You ken see them now becawse it is almost "Spring".

I am

Curios, prowed, strong, lavely, reel, brave, laving...I am Buttton.

that relatable moment

this is after you had gotten cheez treets, had a peeing contest with Oreo and his sun Bundles in tha perk, wan you had weighted and weighted in the kitchen while mam cooked and gave you no salsa, no beens, no gratefroot. wan you had barked at the doorbell lake a feroshush maniac. wan you had played ball in tha living room lake a serious player. then you had given mam your belly, wan your mam gave you so menny soft evening pets that you let go of tha date. you sink into tha sheepskin and sigh deeply and say: "I am on wan clowd and hear i go drifting away." Than your foot dangles down, your paws ken relax and you've felt you had given this date your best self.

deerly mister Lucca

Mine mather googled PLama, Laccu, seattle. she had found you. She sed: "They have gotten beautiful cards and beetifull dag." I ken now wisht you anather Hoppy Brithdate! I ken say: "You are experienced. You are handsum. You are lucky to have a job." I am only wan famus, popular blagger whom works alone fram home. Laccu is tha boss! Congratulations, Boss! I hope you git menny pizza krusts and respekt fram the kats todate on "your" speshul date. Tha Boss on facebook at werk.

MINE past

Wan you lived on tha streets you lose all sense of time. Had I bin thair one year or wan date? I kennot tell. You sleep behind garbage bins lake you are nothing but garbage. However, you feel lake "I am Bottun and I have gotten a sole. I am a gud boy." Wan the Animal Care plice had picked me up they wrote on thair report "HE is nice. He is cleen. His eers look lake fresh. He is a nice wait wheight." I hunted by mineself and with other frands whom were homeless and we were vairy skilled. Wan I moved into MINE real home with mather and fother, I didn't not understand how to sleep in a bed. MINE lately cousin Bo tot me "JUST TAKE OVER. IT IS YOUR RIGHT." That was a grate lesson I had lerned. Hear you ken see I was still struggling to git it rite. Almost. Lerning how to position MINEself. Interesting freestyle. Then I lerned. Take over the couch, bed or wairever. Thanks, Bo. Your memory lives on.

Deerly lady amo margarita

My my my I have missed you. Have you gotten any liverwurst lately? Did you here I had been traveling? Hear I have placed white on beige on ivory silk on natural greige on cream. How stunning it is if you stay all in this color family. These are MINE decorating ideas. Fram: Bottun P.S. pleez ignore tha blue heetpatch. Mather had put it on MINE white shelf. I prefer a white wan.

Wot a feeling

It was wonderful to graze in Central Perk with mine all-white gang again. It was hot.

This dag

He knows how to enjoy lafe: take it easy and smell the perk

On a jet plane

I am tried and trapped. Lard I hate flying. New York hear I'm coming!

Wan date

I had been tricked. Wot is knew you ask? I ask tha same. Ken you see me? Lake a four-footed ghost, I slipped onto papa's lounger. I emerged fram the bedroom with trust in MINE hart. I accepted watermellon. (Lake a fool.) This is the "After". Befour, I had been soaked and shampooed aginst MINE will. All is forgotten. Onward and upward with the suntanning. Lard, I'm tried fram the son.

MINE beech date

Here you ken see Toni. She is a grate deel of fun and vairy interesting. Wance I had gotten to Plam Springs I felt vairy tired. I had worn Mineself out.

MINE Holidate

I am on holiday. This means: sun, hike, and foods. I am in: Plam Springs. I am waiting four mam to come out of hole foods.