
Showing posts from March, 2015


this was mine first date in mine perk, riverside perk. i look lake a young innocent and i didn't have such the gratest style. i felt vairy curios about this perk, such as: wot dags live here? mather sed i used to try to go to every home. i wagged mine tale at everybady. this is sad to be so open and foolish. mather sed maybe i thought when nobady laves you, you have to lave everybady. you feel lake: Maybe that is mine family now becawse you have no idea wot family is. i soon lerned: this is family. the ones who take you with them, buy you foods and give you pets. the ones who open thair home and thair hart. that is family. ken you see how young and innocent i am?

I am pashunt

I have bin waiting waiting waiting and waiting for an anniversary delivery of dr Becker bites.however, i am losing pashunce.

Side bed


date 2 of mine anniversary

wot speshul things ken todate bring to me on MINE second date of MINE anniversary? sun patches? hot patch? dr. becker's bites? i got wan peece of karrot, and zukeenee. i remember too much of how i had to have a tarrible both that sundate seven yeers ago. it was weird and kreepy. fother got into the both tub with me and shampooed me with aveda. i scratched his bared chest quite a bit becawse i didnt know if we should be frands yet, becawse: wot kind of frand dunks you in the bothtub? he had a grate deel to lern and now he understands lafe more: do NOT dunk frands in water. do NOT klimb into thair boths. do NOT make them wair hoods on jackets. do NOT wrestle them to the ground if they bark at the door. he knows more. he is wiser. I know more. I have lerned: sit beside tha person eeting with hunger hanging down your throat until they give you more foods. push thair leg to get more. gently cry a bit. pull tha leesh to walk the other way. pull your leesh and harness to get back home

Wan speshul date

It will depend up on your views.wan view is march 31st is the date i moved in with mather and fother. the other view is todate is our anniversary. it was saturdate when marge dropped me off. it was the date you turn off all the lights for wan hour to respekt our urth. This will be 8:30 pm. This was the best date of thair lafe. They had no meening heretofore. They didn't play after dinner. They didn't see how cute. They didn't go to the perk. They didn't have nice frands who live with dags. They didn't know the joy of basmati feet, sleep barks. They didn't know the security a gard dag brings. I did become vairy lucky this date too. It is lake almost paradise here. They have menny beds, hot patch, window perch, duvets, dr. becker bites, meets, fish, kefir, sardines, pampkin. I have: fother who gives pets, massages, tricky maneuvers wan we play. I have mather who gives brushes every morning, breakfast every morning, understands MINE every need and whim. I have men

too bizy to blag

i have to go for wan walk in MINE perk to pee and other unmentionables. I want to see who has been around MINE perk and if there is bred fram birds, skwirrles to chase, frands who've walked earlier. then i will be dropped at home to make sure nobady ken come in while mather goes to do errands and eet a taco. i will babysit the home with snacks. i will keep an eye on MINE street to be sure nobady pees in MINE favrit spots. It's a crime how rood others are peeing in MINE spot.

good mourning

mather is off to yoga. fother is fast sleeping and i have made mine bed agin. i am lying in it.

i lave eatser

first, you ken see bunnies. MINE frand camper is a bunny. he is a good guy. he presents the best probiotic poops lake a gift. it is grate. second, i lave to chase bunnies in the wild (midpark gardens) and you ken eet wild poops. this is an eeatster gift, too. next, i lave eggs. next, i lave asparguys. next, i ken sunbath. hear are sum reesons i lave eatster.


I lave birds. In SPRING you ken see so menny little birds in MINE perk (it is riverside). your hart sores, your senses feel excited whan you see a group of birds. they have delicate bones, they lave to gather around to eet together. in your  mind you say: "CHARGE THEM NOW !!" than i run and they fly off and i try to eet all the breds on the ground. it makes your hart feel happy for these gifts fram the birds. it makes you feel lake a man and big and powerful. i am in charge of the perk, not you. that is how i feel. mine lard, i really lave those birds in the spring.

Mine question

Ken you tell me if mine chin looks lake it's doubled? Is it worst than at kristmask?

Wot i think

Don't think of nothing. Find wan sunpatch and enjoy your life.Thair is mine filosofee.

i kennot blag

i feel lake im tried. i will not lake to blag when it's time to rest on the hotpatch.

Pinky stopped by

She is quite relaxing.

Mine yoga practise

Such as... stratch lake the first stratch of the date spinal twist w. eagle crosst legs mediate wan bit

Spring has sprunged

Wot a grate spring morning. that dag in the "orange" is nice

Not too kold

However todate it is vairy kold again. I shell stay "home".

I am babysitting her.

She is scaired so she won't play she sits on MINE hotpatch. She misses her mather.  I have sharing manners .

a big date tomorrow

Tomorrow irly in the morning i must babysit Pinky until 2 pm. This is a grate deel of work for me and it stresses my nerves. I hope I ken get paid in dr. becker's bites. we shall see.





She kent not understand

I lake my bed decomposed lake this. Pleese leave it be, Mather.


Todate was 16. I felt rother free.

Nu frands

thair is Peaches, zabark and co. They are nice and lively.

Balancing act


I donot know why

She makes me weight by the crosswalk. It is frastratung.

Laundry date

I have made MINE bed now I will lie in it.

Mine punishment

Mather got engry I ate menny Dr Becker bites and sent me to the coroner.

wan speshul message this sundate

to MINE womens in MINE lafe: i lave womens vairy much. they ken be kind, they ken be laving, they ken be pashunt, they ken be jenorus. So menny times in MINE lafe i have sed: thank god for womens. first came marge who took me into her home. then came MINE gratest mather on the plantlet: mather. then came amo, who always shairs with me and always says give him foods, be nice to him, the arm kind. she feels compashon. then came ninjoo who showers me with menny gifts, plays rough upstairs and always feels compashun for me too. she also gits vairy excited to come home fram work and see me and she will stay in the car with me. then came anti. she has babysat menny times, been a companion in the car, looked at MINE nales to take care of me and tot mine mather how to cair for me. i also have wan wife nana. she gives me hot dryer towels, fresh bunny poops, menny pets and laffs. on this date, i do say "happy international womins date" to all of you whom i lave and appreshe-ate. thanks

the truth

i am acting normal i am acting lake everything is grate. but it is "acting". i am shaken. i am engry. "they" tell me "do this, do that" and leeve me unsafe. I ken say it is unsafe environment at workers compensayshun. thair is not enough peeces in the wurld that is worth MINE safety and MINE lafe. however, i wuld lake more treets lake dr. becker bites.


wot hell. everything seemed to be going well. for example, mather went out to see fother and asked me to keep an I on the apartment. i will not tell you the living hell i went threw. sufficient it to say that i put up with menny problems and i didnt NOT get enough treets to make it ok. mather came home after 3.5 hours and by then i was cool as cucumber having a short nap in mine bed. in front of the door was a delivery fiona ordered fram jcrew and mine apartment door was opened several inches. i wuld lake to watch you try to guard and take care of an entire home wan the door is wide open and delivery peeple are coming and everybady is walking down the hall. good luck. i dont want to re-live the detales. it was a big job. tha end!


the snew went up MINE legs do NOT mind me. I had to use the facilities. it is "natural". Add caption

knew jacket


Relaxing on Mine patch

It Ken be a grate way to eese into the date.