
Showing posts from September, 2015

"Wot Mather?"

"Are you giving me menny treets four sitting so nice?" I am wandering.

Tha perk

I kissed Mather.


I felt chilled to tha bone wan I saw this bone dag "skeleton". Mine lard it was frightening.Ken you see him on tha right? Mine Lard.

Pleez mather

I thought: "Stop talking to that Tina Fey dag Teddy.and let's go home. " Howver, she talked so I sun napped on tha side. Teddy has a famus mather. However, I am famus. Everybady says "Batton is grate. We know him. He has got a Mohawk and he has calm energy. He is fun. He is smert." Nobady talks about Teddy becawse he lakes to be carried most of tha time.

Lunch Todate

I have gone out four Tie foods. It is spicy so Mather has brought MINE treets.Ken you see double me in her water glass? The more the marrier.

Mine fother deer

He ken be tarribly silly such as wan Mather says: "Do tha splits and we will laff " I ran to Mather to tell her how silly fother is.

A bone hangover

I am not hanging too far off mine chair but I do have gotten "hangover".

I am going hear

For Canadian Thanksgivings mine families are meeting hear . Ninjo and Amo will fly. We will drive. Mather and Fother will make me a giant cloud bed in all of tha back seet with pillows and duvets. This holiday will be lake heaven becawse I can dig into sand I can eet Thanksgiving. We have rented a house. Everybady will pay their share and then I have got to pay MINE. I have been saving mine money peeces agin after spending all on Dr. Becker's Bites. I need $50 cdn four a pet cleaning fee becawse they say "Dags are dirty. They kennot cleen nothing never. We will make them pay until they don't not have enough four a new bag of becker bites. Let us punish innocent dags." P.S. IN case everybady wonders: "How was Bottun's night?" It was tarrible. Beleeve me wan I tell you, eeting and chewing a bone is four mens only. Tha vet sed: "He is strong. Give him wan." First I woke mather at 3 am who woke fother who has skool and work todate fram 9 am unt

Tha best date!

Fother has gotten me wan grass-fed nuckle bone to enjoy in Central Perk. Wot a wanderfull date todate is.I have lerned to balance tha bone lake this and to lie down and attack it. I'm lerning new tekneeks all tha time. Wot a grate time.

In tha evening

I had eeten grass. Pleez don't not stair at me. It is mine salad. Than I knapped on tha bed four a change. Mine shadow of hare and eers look lake grate on tha bed.

Mine sofa

Mine Mather puts the sheet on the sofa so she doesn't dirty it so she ken keep it fresh lake new. I must wash mine feet wan I come home becawse I don't wair shoes. They take thair shoes off becawse they are fram Canada. They gotted a light sofa lake mine hairs are light and not-toxic fram gus Light looks best lake I do unless you are Mather or Fother than dark looks best because I lave them best. Mather had maid wild salman yesterdate. I enjoyed sum after mine venison so we kuld eet lake a family. This is a foto of me escaping fram the sunpatch in the window becawse it got too hot. I kuldn't bearly move fram heat exhaustshon.

I look lake golden goldie in tha settling son

How grate to get treets in MINE perk this evening .

Later i made mine bed

Then I slept in it.

In MINE bike basket

Mather puts foam underneath and clips me and keeps me "safe" and comfortable. Todate I went in the bike to meet fother after class in Central Perk.  Grate. However no crumbs nowhere. I also had a both. I'm fresh and it is tarrible.

In the meentime while i was mexicanning, panky was recovering

Panky is recovering vairy nicely. Maybe she ken only eet mush. I will eet the krunchies and she ken have the mush.


It is believed, I am part mexicanned chiwowwow. thairfour, I lave guacamole. Here I am weighting at Anejo for fother and Nana with mine Mather deer .

yesterdate and todate

Yesterdate I went for a wok with mather and nana. Her reel name is fiona but It is better to have a knick kname. I had been married to her by mistake so she calls me her "handsome husband". We have sitten on her stoop with Camper who laves to eet all vegetarian foods and lakes orange carrots more than purple or white. However, we only walked yesterdate. Nana says "He is clever. (me). He is so handsum (me). He is so grate (me)." Todate mine frand Panky (her reel name is Pinky) has got dental surgery. She is pulling FIVE teeth and her mather is having bad, bad nerves and stress. Everybady is weighting for poor Panky. I will share with her a nice peece of cheez wan she feels better. p.s. Plama, you are right. I have grate hunting and mather and fother have "cute" looks This is becawse they look lake me except for hare colors. that is nana. that is camper. that is "I". that is Panky visiting on MINE sofa.

wot a memmory

These fotos give me wan grate feeling inside. Why? Becawse while mather and fother were looking at the camra, I found some bred crumbs to eet. It felt grate in mine mouth, stomack and I felt prowd lake I ken hunt vairy well.

Which wan is mine hare best?


Mine deerly Plama

That chicken neck was grate and I wuld lake to eet it again. I have had to return to Nou york wair I live becawse I miss zoey, pinky, pepper and Mine apartment. However, I wuld lake to see Lucca neer Bellingham wan date soon. Or I ken visit him in the office and get menny treets.

Don't be fooled

Deerly frands and fans, Don't not look at mine happy face and bright spirit. I have a sore troat fram "travel stress". Deer lard I kennot weight to relax at " home ". Only 7 more ours.

London Smog

Mather kennot stop.


I had see THE CHIEF in Squeamish. This is neer Whistler. It had broken everybody's harts that I had slept leaning lake this. Mine Ankle Ted moved to Squeamish.

Today's lafe


MEIN tummy

deer lard! yesterdate was grate becawse i got wan organic, free ranged chiken neck. I gobbled it down so maybe it didn't kleen mine teef lake they say but i was hangry. then fother took pity wan hour later and sed "i'll give him dinner, too". mather had been worried the chicken neck was too much foods already. well, mine frands. i had felt grate all evening and knight. full and happy lake a baby. however, wan you eet cartilage and bones you ken be sure you will suddenly need to go to the facilities. mather had to get up out of deep sleep to let me out. then sure enuf, i thrown up a bit later. i will NEVER eet two dinners agin. never.

Mine deerly fan plama

Thank you. I had had fun. Plees give MINE kind regards to lucca, the dag who works. I ken almost see him on the horizon wan i look strongly with MINE eyes.

Deerly ladies

Kennot you imagine how grate we visited? And we got me menny nice treets and winter Sox. We have missed playing with you in low tied Todate. Lave button, the westcoaster