
Showing posts from December, 2016

wake me up next yeer

Good Knight to 2016!

Marry Dates are Heer

I lave this time of yeer becawse I ken git treets and smell a tree whom I'd lave to pee on. This mourning it had snewed. I enjoyed watching it fram my heetpatch. However, wan mam took me out it started to change to rein and I had felt lake "No thanks. I am going home to watch fram MINE hotpatch." If Lucca kuld be heer maybe we wood've gone to tha perk earlier to run, then we kuld've run to all the apartment doors and towels and piazza krusts. Heer is kusin Camper whom jumps up onto the sofa lake a kat.

Hoppy Brithdate, Grindmather!

deerly lady amo, ken i give you a wish fore yourn brithdate? have a grate yeer and hoppy brithdate.! I ken see you soon and be a guf boy and nice and calm. lave, botton heer jaffrey wuld lake to say; Hoppy brithdate fram a cute boy.


Deern Lucca, I had gone to "Kanada": wairever I had seen Oma and ninjoey. I had gotten treets and beds. Then it had turnt kold and snew. I had sed "I am leeving. It is too kold forn me." I ken run in snew but not in kold. Have you gotten yourn snew? Are you running into it? Lave, Tubbon This is me, ttubon back home wairever it is gitting christmasky.