
Showing posts from October, 2018

Ken you guest whom has finally gotten a fulltime job?

You are NOT thinking hern becawse she kennot git wan. You aren't not thinking of pepe becawse he has gotten wan alredy. Hadn't you not guest HIM (I, Buttoon)?! You are 'rect! I am helping big mens move coke machines and filling them in tha blazing sun. It's OK. We mens ken drink to cool ourselves. Don't NOT worry. P.S. Don't NOT be surprised if mam keeps an eye out becawse she is vairy clingy to me.

MINE peeces, MINE lafe

Well ladees it has happened. Mam had helped me roll MINE peeces. It had been $1,000!  I went out and had finally boughten mineself a latex mattress. At first I didn't not even want to unpack it fram tha speshul canvas bag whom I ken use for travel. It ken expand with wan zipper or not. I haven't NOT NEVER EVER felt lake a comfortable mattress of tha finest latex forn sleep and nap and rest. Mine lard. Most kennot NOT afford it such as mam and pepe. They have gotten to lern: save yourn peeces and roll them. Then maybe wan date they ken git wan.gud luck gitting me off MINE latex mattress. No! You kennot test it or rest yourn hed. Save yourn peeces!