
Showing posts from February, 2019

MINE dearlings

pleez git out of MINE frame! Mine lard. I have just gotten back fram a wurldwhind time in LA. You ken suffice it to say: I'm tried. Exhawstid. Tha best part? Tha foods such as meets, froots, cheez, liver and paté. Tha worsted? Flying crost countree, having Glen Closed step into MINE frame on tha carpet and everybady shouting "beckon, beckon look overn here!" Now I git to rest a bit.

Hoppy Walentimes, MINE laves!

This meens you are grate (lake cheez). Wan Ladee Yourn too strong legs Ken take you to every korner of Costcoo Wairever yourn sharp surgery eyes Look forn deels and gud foods to eet Except forn citrus witch isn't grate forn yourn Stomach or yourn medacashuns Yourn large hands ken git anything fram the pantry And chop it up into tha best foods with cheez I sit and weight lake a pashunt angle Mine legs short, tiny pas and clowded eyes Hoping I ken be yourn wallentime So we ken eet together lake kings. She is wan joke With a fine fingered touch She (it is ninjoke or ninjoey) ken nitt lake a machine With pockits filled with peeces She ken bye pupcorn AND ships AND everythang But be careful to git on hern gud side Or you will sit locked out of tha pupcorn palace Dreeming of salty cranches Than on wan dime she will turn And given you everythang Saying "I hadnt not known he (beckon 3stix) had wanted to eet." yeah, right. (sarkastix.) Come and be MINE Wallentime and together

bizzy times

Wot Had I been Up to? First I had gone to the west willage forn a haircat. Mam had gotten a trim and I had gotten a spa treetment wairever I wok around looking forn spaw foods. Wanever it gits boring, I say "Mam, let's sit on yourn lap a bit. Thair are no foods nowair." In fact, wan mens had bossed me out of tha back room and ratted on me to mam saying "He had tried to eet dust under tha radiator." helping out being accused. fake nus. after tha spaw Mine lard that is a big lie, Whomever wuld eet dust?! Nobady. (well maybe jaffrey.) I had simply been trying to cleen thairn dust becawse i am lettle enough to help them. Hoomans kennot never appreshiate gud help and frandships. You ken imagine how tired I had been fram up and down the subways stares, fram cleening tha saloon and fram relaxing spaw treetments. wake me up wanever it is warmer out. thank you.


How aren you? Mine lard I have misst you? Aren you still looking grate? I hope with all mine hart that you arent not two kold. I have been keeping well. Thanks lard tha temperatures have warmed up, tha salt has "melted" and mine spirits have lifted. Yesterdate I woked far in Riversides (it is MINE perk) and todate I shall do so agin. Superbowl had been boring however tha snaks had been grate. I had: freeze dried green tripe bits 'n bites, pupcorn, jalapeno cheesys and everybady's favrit dr. becker bites. Had you had wan piazza nite? How is yourn back? Is teena gitting on your nerves or are you buddha? Well well well, I do wish you a wanderfull week ahed. Lave, yourn grate and nice nefew Beckon III PS imagined mine surprised wan I went to git MINE swetter just now and discovered new underarm holes. Ken you mind fixing it again?