
Showing posts from January, 2018

Haven't i not never been to tha valley of fire?

Co'rrect. I have gone menny times. Can't you not prove wairever you've gone? I have been to the heights of tha rockee mountains, to the depth of tha boot of sicily. I have travelled Eurip like an old fashioned reel gentileman fram praque to paris. I have climbed machu pichu with the llamas and dined on guacamole on the beech with tha mexicans. I have staired at tha grand canyon and laffed at lake ontario. I have digged sand in tha dessert and snowshoed in lake louise. Mine frands, haven't you not?

havent you herd of tha new fashons?

In tha capital of everything grate wairever Nottub lives, thair are nu fashons every date. Guess whom keeps up with them? Co'rrect. It is I Nottub. Nowadates we are wairing 3 and 1. Try it. You might lake it.

mine portrait of a gentileman

Connie had looked over while Mam had me in hern arms and sed "Mine lard isn't he handsum. I shall do a portrait of tha gentileman. Pleez send me a foto." Mam did it and heer you ken see tha results. Does it not capture mine dignity, MINE trooth? Possibly.