
Showing posts from May, 2014

a relaxing date

today we did nothing. we went four a gentle walk through mine tiny, tiny town and on a path around "it". we sunbathed. we ate. we drank water. mather swept, dusted, washed the flors, ironed, bought groceries, made dinner, washed the dishes. how relaxing. in sicily the mens must take it eesy thairfour we enjoyed this tradition.

Holly date


grate travel tips

buon giorno! i have "heard" you ken maybe go to vancouver. i have traveled menny times thairfour i ken offer "travel tips". first you must go to the low tide at Spanish banks. thair you ken run and chase birds at low tide. if nobady ken see you, sneek over to the snack bar befour you leeve. if you are lucky, you will find crumbs, samon peeces and even franch fries. then, go to thomas haas chocolate in north van. dags ken sit outside so it is nicer and often somebady will give you crums. then drive through "stanley perk". the air smells grate if you open the windows. then, go to west van. it is windy but has menny grate smells. go to walk in the woods at lighthouse perk. be sure to drive up to ubc for the salmon bannock. then sit in the sun and smell EVERYTHING. tha end!!



snapshots of mine lafe

pleese to enjoy tham.

four greeta

amo, do NOT be stressed if you have a stress test. yesterday, i climbed wan giant mountain to eet goat pudding. i am no longer younger and it stressed MINE heart. i drank menny water bowls fram zia ninjana's bowl and i felt i wuld not make it. however, i passed. thairfour, you ken pass. today i am going to the turkish steps. you ken not beleeve them, says everybady. here are more mafioso dogs. you must be careful in sicily. "they" are everywair.

this is serafino

i believe he is crazy. he is 13. he lakes to cross the street to pee with me and to pee on car tires (!). he wags his tail. he says i lave you. then he growls. i believe you know why. he is mafioso.

a reel chichilian dag

that is how they pronounce it. margareta whom lives in our village sed i was a reel chichilian dag becawse of mine manners. this morning we hiked far up and watched Julio make ricotta. i smeelt goats, i barked at tha gentle dag thair and i ate menny ricotta freshly made fram unpasteurized goots. it tastes lake fresh no-vanilla pudding. haven. mather and fother coundnt not eet enough. they bought two. we got lost in the beeting down sun going home so they carried me and gave me menny water cups fram ninjo's container. last night we walked in tha medieval willage and we ate tha best caponata. caponata is fram sicily. amo, ken you make it for me? it was lake sweet, melty sauce. we are tired fram carrying me and walking. mamma mia phone is broken, it will not take photos or give photos. mamma mia is eating: pistachios, almonds, almond cookies, ricotta, salami, parmesan, tomato, sundried tomato, olive, limoncello, proscuitto and gelato. and pasta. and pizza. and caponata.

thair internet and HER phone

mathers fone kennot werk. thair four she is trying to transfer MINE fotos to papa's fone. i keenot wait to tellyou about the mafia dags everywair. today i burnt MINE feet on hot rocks. it is tarrible. however, today i ate fresh ricotta. it is lake a cloud. it is lake haven on mine tongue. today i ate lemon ice cream. it is sweet AND sour. it ken burn your tongue and make you sneeze. nonna and ninjana, you kennot believe the mafia dogs. wan was across the street. his name is corleone. i think he is mafioso boss. he is yorkie-small but psychotic. he ken kill anybady for NO reeson. mio pappa saw a snake. mather and i didn't.

Mine drogerie


Poor mouse

I didn't get tortiyas.


It feels grate to relax with Vogel together.

joinn and ama

i am tired. pleese do not "critisize" how i look lake wan i am trying to rest away fram jetlatch. ken you imagine. i am so tiny and they hurtled me through space across the atlantic oshun, the north poles, greenlands, icelands and then presented me with my fother. thairfour i rested in MINE FESTERBANK. Later i lookt more tired wan i visited papa at work. we had 31 degrees and humility. i ate grapefruit eis. i rested. i am sorry i look lake unenthusiastic. it is called "jetlatch." did i tell you i saw fritzi? she is cute but vairy annoying. I most likely will continue to ignore her. did you understand i have a new thermos? it is the same "brand" as your new nesting dishes. thair is no better one in the wurld. it transported MINE pamkin to hamburg.

Mine new old spot agin

I saw Fritzi plus the dakshund. Grate. I got breakfast at 4 am mine time. Grate.

Mein nyc


Wair is sissily?


mine canada thsirt

wan you cleened the kar, did you see it everywair? it is no sleeves red with a maple leef and a squirrel. i kennot find it wairever at home. is it in grindpa's kar? plees "look". i wanted to wair it in sissily. they have roving packs of wild dogs. i wuld wair it to say "i do NOT have a gun or violence. i am canadian."

This nionj


One surprise

Mather felt surprised to find me on her bed. I have never napped their. It felt fresh and cimfortabable.

The dag run


Four mio travel pampkin


Too sad

Mein bett is in laundry.i kennont not stand it so im sleeping on laundry bag and dirty sheet.


Il mio nome è Button. Ho fame . i must practise makes perfetto. yesterday, mather sed " i do not know him (me)." becawse i went bananas and barked at a vairy large dog. i felt a strong feeling against him lake "i hate him. why is he sneeking around here wan i am cuddling on a perk bench with Mamma mia." then, he came back i almost attacked that crazy devil. he cannot keep coming back at me agin and agin. mather says he was calm but i kuld feel he is bothering me.  later, we sat in central perk with pinky and i sed "i will go sit by tanya feet. it is nice." mather sed "i have not ever met this dag."

ciao nonna e mio zia

this gurlfrand

this is pinky. her mather is fram vancouver. her mather name is "tanya". she laves dogs. do you remember pinky and i wore his and hers swetters? pinky came over after we sat together at a picnic table all day. i got "vairy" excited becawse i lave going home and i lave company. then pinky got mad at me. now we havnt' spoken and our mathers say we must make up. they took a video of pinky getting mad at me. here is a moment in the video wan i felt "excited" and pleased. it is a moment frozen in time.

MEIN shut nerves

I had menny needles and bum and eer pokes and I am vairy "thin".

Mine mathers date

Mondate is mine Mather's date. Do you celebrate your Mather too everywan?

This is Lulu

She jamps on every won. How annoying.

Im dipressed

However hoppy grindmathers DAY amo!

Mine frand lulu

She laves her ball.

neenjo i am "young"

this why i "look" young. however, today was tarrible. mather gave me a kold bath and it is kold outside and in the apartment. i am frightened of being burnt on the blowdryer thairfour, i sed "no." i won't take it. then mather noticed me shivering like a devil and wrapped me in mine duvet. she gave little puffs of blow dryer on mine bum so i felt less burnt and dangered. however, after she cooked foods she opened all windows and doors and i shivered again and again. i am going to ketch mine deth of a kold. i need two duvets, wan hot laundry and sunshine.

I am looking four grate crums


Grate morning

It is not kold but they put in the best. Haven. Ninjo come sit beside the best. Amo too. Oh and bring some elk pucks. (say hi to pete tha plummer fram me.)

I ran to mine perk

I ran too fast as mine lettle legs could carry me to smell and see wot everybady had been doing. thair was bad news. the poodle mather fram mine favourite trio had died. everybady felt sad. they sed "give her a heart transplant and maybe this kuld werk or kill her." she is too old so they killed her. this is the most human thing to do becawse she "suffered" and nobady wants transplants after three days in the hospital. then destiny mine former naybour picked up a smaller dog after chasing and shaked it. everybady was afraid. destiny is a gentle giant who always plays nice with lettle dogs lake her best friend winnie who is a Westie. destiny has a big block hed becawse she is "pit bull".

Thanks ninja
