
Showing posts from May, 2020

underneeth wurld

I ken remamber wan time wairever I had bin frands and played "gostee in tha light" wairever you aren white and hide. I had hiddened under tha bed (it is herns) and nobady kult not git me. It felt lake gud to have sum peece and kwite and called it wan game. Maybe forn hern brithdate we ken played it agin (sam) but everybady stay out of tha room this time but leeve tha door open, leeve wan pile of pupkorn underneeth tha bed and keep yourn voices kwite pleez. "tha dag is resting."

clap forn tha dag

In MINE nayborhood thair is wan dr. bear, nurse cub and police dag. They are frantline werkers. Mine dreem is to be tha dag so that every nite everybady wuld gentilely clap forn me forn wan grate job I had done daley.

sale aweigh

Closed yourn eyes, smell tha oshun, tha sand, tha rotting fish flesh. Feel tha sand in yourn nose, taste tha fresh kokonut waters on yourn tung. Feel tha hot son broasting yourn back, yourn nose and sale aweigh. Lave, sweet georgie pie

deer lard. wan dag's prayer.

Sumbady pleez wake me whan this knightmere is over. Deer lard, make tha knightmere end. I have had enuf of no baseball, no treets at tha store, no family, no frands, no playtime on the lawn in mine nother perk (it is centralized perk). pleez lard, heer mine prayer.

gentilely wokking on mine MAM

mam MINE mam has gotten wan mam who'd gotten wan mam who'd gotten wan mam who'd gotten wan mam all the weight down until you meet tha urth mam ourn grate mather deer urth mather we wok gentiely upon yourn coat witch is covered with beeautifull flours interesting rocks fun sands grate smells gentile waves grate mighty waters hoppy mather's date to mine laving mam whom nourishes me and hern mam whom nourishes me with liverwurst potato and dripping goodness fram foodladen fingers and of course to ourn grate mather urth

wan lafe is too much

Wan lafe feels lake a bad dreem Wairever nobady ken pet him (me) and you kennot not take more And hope is wan distant light beem Wan yourn legs feel hevy and thick Wairever you kennot not move and you kennot not take more Becawse you feel ded and sick Find a grate soft sonny spot Wairever nobady ken bother you and know you dont not hafta take more Becawse yourn sleep will become yourn thots Sweet dreems mine frands. Sweet lafe mine frands. Sweet lave forn you FRAM Sweet georgie pie.