
Showing posts from December, 2017

rude-alf, bring yourn slay with treets here


aweigh in a manger


I hope Satan was gud to you

mairy christmas!

Knotty or Nice?

dreeming of cheese I think a certain somebady ken expect to git grate presents forn being vairy nice. That is me (I, Tubbon) whom has been grate all yeer as ken be expected. shopping I have dreems of: sugarplums, liver, becker bites, cheese, breds, meets, cawliflower, chicken lungs. and yes, i have done mine shopping. havent you? gud and nice dreeming hangry forn liver

Happy Brithdate, Deerly Amo!

Yourn favrit dag in tha wurld wuld lake to wisht you a grate date and yeer. Heer he is! Wan not smert young dag whom understand NOTHING but whom you lave too much! It is Jaffrey I, whom is brainy and kind and smert and ken understand tha ups and downs of lafe and EVERYTHING, wisht you a Hoppy Birthdate and send you lave and kisses and I will see you at the cider house wairever I saved you a chair and wuld lake to buy you a salad to share with a good amount of dressing and peekans, mine amo ladee! Also, see you on tha sandee beech! xo xo xo xo xo xo ...(this meens menny kisses, hugs and lave)

MINE deers

Haven't you not considered wan bed wairever you ken have steps leading up forn small individuals whom kennot jump onto highly high mattress whom are 24 inches deep?

I have NOT never

Image mine lafe heard any such thing as wot had happened to me. I had gotten a sweetcase packed up with peeces, foods, swetters, I had made sure to git a few summer outfits becawse i typically tend to go to califronia forn a hike, a beech, a framer's market to warm mine bones beforn winter settles into me. Well, deer ladees, I had unfortunately eeten a touch of a wasp or such and taken too menny benadrills and gotten a touch of a stomach bug and mam sed: "we must punish him. NO holidate for that wan. He is staying home." "oh. he had gotten plan to bring amo some peeces? he had decided to share some liverwurst with her? too bad. we will ban him fram travel." well, mine frands. heer I am walking coco every date, forced into a chrismask situation i am not feeling wan bit. let us hope mine lafe improves soon.