
Showing posts from June, 2019


I have ranned aweigh! I kuldn't not git more becker bites, kuldn't not git frozened gogurt, kuldn't not be allowed to eet soil and stix in peece and I HAD HAD ENUF. Pleez give spared change to him (me) if you see him sitting outside tha subway with a smert glint in his eye and hanger in his throat. He (it is i buttoon) is a gud dag and give ginirously. Given him peeces, waters and foods. god blesst.


We ken meet at wan Kafé forn this or MINE offis. Yourn annuwool review: POME: YEER TO YEER Pleez have wan seet How aren you this mourning? My my it is hot todate Let's have a look at how yourn yeer has gone It wuld seem lake you had werked hard It has seen you have been "nice" to Tina We ken wonder "shouldnt you not be nicer to Tinahome?" THAIR is room forn "improvement" thair Hadn't you not fixed tha ladee's feets and hares? That is grate and gits gud marx Haven't you shruppt tha balconey You ken git a gud mark Let us review yourn eeting habits Had you shaired pupkorn with frands? We ken say "needs improvements" Keep werking hard at it Hadn't you not fired up mussels on tha reformer Grate job you ken git high marks pleez help yournself to wan star And enjoy wan grate brithdate bonus: Wan certifikate forn kofi at Tara! Hoppy Brithdate fram wan poette. Buttoon

hoppy brithdate!

WAN STAR (brithdate pome by beckon "monk" button benjamin schwartz dickau peck) Wan you wisht up on a starr Kennot you see how smol you aren? Wan you wisht up on a clowd Kennot you feel how light you aren? Wan you wisht up on tha son Kennot you feel how bright you aren? Wan you wisht up on a candell Kennot you feel how lucky you aren? Wan you wisht up on a starr Kennot you feel how grate i think you aren? To wan "star", have wan vairy grate brithdate. Fram, Beckon 3 stix I hope it is fillt with pupkorn and treets!!!!!! And sleeps!!!!!

tips forn visiting vancuver

A lettle brid told me you have gotten to go thair. Don't not worry, foaks! Beckon is here to give you tips forn yourn wisit. I have been menny, menny times and know how to have a grate time. First, go to tha low tide beech and chase arownd a bit. If it's hot out walk threw a tide pool to kool down. Wan you are done, be sure to visit capers. take wan seet outside and weight forn foods. If you have gottn time, go to north vancuver and dig in tha sands while weighting forn crums. Be sure to rest becawse tha sand activity is tiring. Wan you have gotten inergy, go to a grate store on Davee. They have the best treets and hoomans enjoy shopping dag clothes to punish dags. I ken be honest and say i did look handsum in that navy velour. That is how to have wan grate trip.


Dance lake nobady is wahching! Do it lake it feels write, do it lake a funky chiken, do it lake tha wurld kennot see. It feels GRATE! Do it on tha grass, do it in tha perk. Do it in tha growshree store, do it in tha living room and DO IT WITH YOURN TUNG OUT DO IT WITH YOURN TUNG IN DANCE DANCE DANCE!!!!!