
Showing posts from October, 2013

Mine DAY

I ate wild salmon and lettuce and Yam. I walked with deutsch Heidi she likes me.she is bad dag but i lake her too. she lakes to walk into leafs and plants and be wild. ok. i dont lake leafs kranch under mine paws. then mather made wild samon and salad and i ate some with yams. i enjoyed it. now we must "feed" kelper at his house for dinner.

At Flona & Camper haus



this is the time of year whan my thoughts turn to swetters. therfore i wore one and it gave me warmth. however, it also gave me a feeling lake i must shake it off. therfore, i shook off that feeling.

MINE best frand

This is banksy.

fall days

now the dates are falling. then the leaves fall. it makes everybady happy. why? becawse they hope that fleez will be killt forever. becawse the enjoy that it is not hawt. it is "warm". this feels good. they are happy becawse they ken eet turkey and bake things. they enjoy a grate deel of sunshine in the living room. they feel excited they ken play in the snow and they ken play in leafs and they ken eet speshul things for kristmask. they enjoy a warmer duvet and if they are me, they hope that finally they will get thair OWN duvet since everybady but me has menny and i ken get kold at night in the winter. for some reeson, MINE vogal has not called or come home. i am pashunt and i wait nicely with mather. i check to be sure he isnt coming out of a car by MINE house. i smellt under the door while mather gets out her keys becawse "maybe papa came hom while we went to the perk and now i can have proper pets and reel mens play time and enjoyed our company we have together.&quo

MINE table

I wait nicely to get crumms to eet fram under the table. Maybe I will drink Kofi wan date.

Lafe. it is MINE lafe. today. i enjoyed "some" of it. #indiansummer


Sunshine boy

I feel grate.

dags are tha best. you ken enjoy!

soon its hollow-ene.

this will be MINE custom.

Thanks for MINE button whole top


Sunday evening

Last nite i went to my "wife" for dinner. she is nana (fiona). i slept beside mather after and camper slept on the flor after he ate some bites of yoga mat. he is too crazy. i NEVER eet yoga mats! The end!  

MINE ring

This is kustom of MINE face. It is maid in Etaly. It is silver.