
Showing posts from November, 2015

a new pome

You are the black cat You are wan black cat Walking wairever with soft thick pas Never minding nobady You are a black cat Eating speshul lamb foods batting tha air with soft thick pads You are tha black cat Whom was mine kusin Sitting beside me on YOUR bed licking soft thick foots You are tha black cat. You are.

Guess whom


Don't not be afraid

I had not joined ice-is and I will never join meen terriers becawse I believe to be kind to nothers. Mather just made a joke becawse I'm kind and mine Japan bandana looks like terrier flag. However, it is really dags eating nom noms. Thairfour, don't not be afraid of nothing.

Mine frands

Ken you tell whom is whom? Mather baked us chicken, parm and pampkin casserole. I ate Menny extra vegetables too.

Heppy Thanksgiving

I am greatfull becawse: I am having thanksgiving AGIN this time with MINE frands Pinky and Chula. We are getting speshul foods and play times at thair house. And I have menny peeces so I ken buy Becker Bites agin soon. Other reesons I feel gratfull: i look lake grate   MINE eers are bright and large I have menny beds, pads, duvets and shelfs MINE family laves me I am a gud sleeper who laves sleeping I have a radiator at MINE nose that I ken cozy up to Thair are menny cranchy leefs and sonshane in MINE lafe


Todate is wan date to feel glad to have heet. I had worn MINE Tha Bay wool turtleneck and MINE puffer and felt lake "we ken walk kwickly to git back home." Why? Becawse  MINE bed is neer tha radiator and MINE hotpatch fram ninjoke and deerly amo is turned on. Heer I am thinking "wan ken i have dinner? Should i move to tha heet pad?"

Rules are for breaking

Becawse I am wan rebel.

This dag

This dag had wanted to come to our side wairever tha smaller dags play.She looks lake a fun dag. I had wished for her to come play. She looks lake sad for being locked on tha other side. I wuld lake to say "Come on over and we ken be frands and play together lake salt and peppa."

Wanderfull winter

This is a grate dreem of fun for dags. They ken go play at tha North Pole. Don't not be fooled. It is NOT reel, it is a window dressing dreem.

Masculine Pa

I am smaller than Panky. I have smaller hips than Pinky. I am shorter in tha body. This is all korrekt lake a man. I have gotten a deeper chest. I weight 10 and wan haf pounds, she ways 15. HOwever, I have gotten bigger pas. You ken see wan you see MINE foot: He is big. He is strong. Nobady wants him to bristle becawse he ken be tuff. He had lived in tha streets. Ken you see that mather and fother trim my nails regularly. This is good. This is how a dag pa should look.

Foto blag

Panky is going the wrong way Watermelon or cabbage? I dont not know scairy outside of tha dakota bulding

MINE goldie spots (for Plama)

KEN YOU  see panky's legs?

I jamped over

I smelt krumbs lake bredkrast across tha river so I bravely went and did eet them. That was in Central Perk Todate and vairy grate. It was wan hot date. 21 CDN degrees .

Tanya and Panky

I had felt lake I wuld lake a snuggle-scratch fram Tanya while Painky explores tha rock. Don't not be jalous anti ninjo.

Mine bright ears

They look lake vairy sunny.

Mine Franch frand

Mine frand Bundles is part Franch. His grindmather Sylvie is fram Pairus and going back tomorrow agin. Mine frand Bundles and mine self are playing and chasing becawse we will not let tha terroirists win. This is tha best attitude: jast play with Bundles if you feel lake it.


Don't mind ME.  I'm having wan lazy date: hot patch, foods, scratches and pets.

Anather brithdate

Deerly Mine Darling, I ken wish you a "Happy Brithdate"! I hope we ken have foods and visits soon. Laved, Button

That is "i"

I am in MINE perch. Don't not be afrayed. It is a spooky evening but it is not Halloween.

too things

Wan is: I lave soil. Plees do not try to make me feel ashamed of MINEself becawse I had tried to dig around a bit and had gotten dirty. It is normal. It is NOT wan big deel. Too: Ken nobady remember eeting pizza in Sicily? Becawse I am NOT Laccu, I didn't NOT git krasts. I did however git cheez fram the pizza. It is better then nothing.

thrown back tuesdate

Woo ken remember wan best date in mine lafe wan Saro (serafina's human fother/slave) gave me MINE own gelato fram his Tabacchi? Woo ken remamber that tarrible date in Santa Monica befour I went RV-ing up tha coast and "they" tried this embarrassing swetter onto me?

Pet Katz

I wuld lake to have too katz lake Lucca. I wuld lake to steel thair foods, chase them, drag them by thair necks and stay warm together on kold nites. I wuld also lake to eet pizza krusts. Thairfour, I wuld lake to be roommates with Lucca. We ken have menny adventures and foods and playtimes.

I am wandering

Are those poor flours in jail. How tarrible.

an "interesting" morning

At 5 am MINE mather kuldn't not sleep so she came to tha sofa wairever I was sleeping. Than she felt asleep. Grate. Than I got up and paced around a bit and stared off here and thair under her desk. I was thinking: "That was a strange dreem. I have never played with Zoey in tha cold Banff snew and run so fast that I landed on tha beech beside tha seewall." Mine pacing woked mather and she kept asking: "Wot is wrong Batton? Do you have to go out?" She kuldn't not tell so she jumped up and we went out into tha foggy dark morning. I laved it too much. She didn't. "No. Buttan, we will not go to the perk. Do you not have wan urgent?" Finally we went home. Mather felt vairy tired. Now it is 9:30 and I have gone pacing under the desk agin. Kennot she tell I feel lake I kuld thrown up?

Or Central Perk

Have you never seen this Perk in tha fall?

MINE perk

Have you never been to mine Riverside Perk in ahtum? It is wanderfull with peeces of breds everywair.

This lettle fello

He doesn't not have an inside window shlef lake me and tha brathers. However he ken keep a grate eye fram here too.

MINE frand Bundles

Wot a wanderfull morning. I had eeten wild-kot sardines. Mather took me to the dag run wair I had seen Bundles and his fother Oreo fram across ths street. I'm always happy wan I see them in the dag run. Hear you ken see Bundles acting crazy while I had needed to shake mine hairs to make them feel correct. We snorted and played wan bit befour I went home. P.S. Thair is a grey kloud on every date sometimes. Mather sed: "Wot a beautifull date. It is 22 C (lake 73 USA degrees) and sunny. I will make him have a tarrible both since it is warm. He ken have hot laundry and he ken let's go look at the leeves in Central Perk." Bandles is immature & kennot understand to get off mine neck wan I need to shake.

I helped Fother...

And he had helped me. I kepted him company to fold laundry and if you ken see, I held mine frant legs in to keep tha T-shirt stack neet. He gave me pets and hot landry piles to enjoy. Win-win.

Kennot you see?

This dag and his brather sit in the window lake I sit in MINE window. I keep an eye on MINE street and they keep an eye on thair avenue. I live three blocks away fram them and they live three blocks away fram me. We are not really frands but we respekt wan another.