
Showing posts from May, 2019

tha gotes

Git down, Chalupa! Mine lard. Todate I wisited mine gote frands. Chalupa had gotten onto MINE nerves becawse she is NOT supposed to eet tha leeves. Tha rools are to eet: ivy, porcelain berry, wine berry, lesser celandine NOT high up tree leeves. Also, now we kennot play becawse they aren in jale. Oh well.

git this forn me

Ken you order this teepee forn a wild coyote dag whom will ran free on tha praree. After ranning after dags all date singing yipee yip yap yodel dee, I have gotten to have some down time in a private teepee. Brang it wan you come hear or send it to me forn mine brithdate. I will send peeces to pay it back. Warmin' up by tha fire i mine TP singin' yodel day ee yoldee yip yip.

mankee see and mankee dew

I feel lake a traned mankee on a leesh who has gotten to jump how hi and right brag after brag after brag as a weigh to sing forn mine supper, as they lake to say. Mine lard tha sole feels weery to have to do as they say not as they do. It tires me and saddens mine hart. We need sum justiss now. Hoomans wok around lake they own tha joint and git evreethang forn free. Brids and bees ken wander freely searching thru tha remnints of hooman rekedge. I see tha brids in tha perk, bathing in wan dirty oil puddle. I see tha bees serching forn a few flours. I see mineself in mine mind aye, tied up, locked up, yerning to ran threw tha prairies singing a dag's yodel. yoodel dee la yodel dah. yip yip yipee. wan date tha dags will wok free agin.

haven't you not never...

ALL alone weighting to sneek sum scraps of foods. Shhh. Dont NOT tell. ...sneeked into wan risorante all alone wan mam and papa hadn't noticed and hidden over in tha koroner weighting to git scraps? Pome: PLANITT OF THA DAGS AND BARES You aren lake me Close to tha grownd Strong theyes pushing onward Smelling more than seeing Tha wurld shreeks at tha site of yourn mite Becawse you aren lake me Powerfull as you look forn foods To keep yourn belly filled I see you BARE Yourn Kind eyes Yourn honest hart Making tha smell-gud forest yourn home Wile hoomas git closer and closer Until they steel your freedumb And git you on a leesh Greatfull forn wan dirty krum O bare Mine hart feels lake yourn And promises that wan date We will git justiss And put all hoomans on leeshes Until they ken have manners and behayve

wan finall Will and Testamint

I (it is me, beckon 3 stix) hereby of leagle sounding mind and gud brane ken say I am writing wan will in case sumthing kuld happen to me. Everybady ken share everything. Forn MINE grindmather: you ken have mine DOWN Duvet fram Germany which is maid with grate Kwality. You ken have mine sheepskin fram IKEA which feels soft and warm or kool to leen into on your back in yourn chare. Forn Mam: mine bike liner baskit, mine nu swetter which you aren kwite fond of, mine pampkin to make muffins fram and mine black jackit. Forn papa: you ken git all mine skweeks, balls, leeshes, red hoodie whom which we played fother/sun thanksgiving footballs in tha AUTUMN as well as mine bedroom chare. Ninjoke: my latex shredded pillo forn yourn collection. The swetter we are weighting to git fixed is yourns. Wan flannel with stars on it. Pleez distribeaut mine small t-shirts such as canadienne maple leef, japanese grey swetshirt with suede elbo patches, tha blu hoodie whom is a bit tight and the yel

MINE frands, come wisit!

Wairever aren you lettle fools? Jerome, yoo hoo. Come out and wisit a bit. We ken tok aboot tha dates in tha Kountee. Amo and brithdate gurl, come hear and see how successfull jerome o'keefe has become! You ken see his family all over mine blocks neer mine home. Fram tha nu York Time: "In New York, rats once scurried in the shadows but now they frolic brazenly in broad daylight. One even became a social media star: pizza rat . Parents at an Upper West Side playground said rats jumped into the sandbox where their children played, though the vermin have been cleared for now" well, well, well. my, my, my. tha entire family has gotten to be vairy successfull. grate to see kanucks succeeding in tha big apple! here i am at knight, having a lettle wisit with tha canadiennes.

i see

oh. mam sed you have gotten wan brithdate coming. i see. oh. that is vairy wanderfull. here I am thinking aboot this situwashon.

wan lettle brid told ME it's almost wan brithdate!!!!!!

I had overherd mam say "git a brithdate blag mumble mumble". MINE lard how fast times ken move. It must alredy be mine brithdate time. I have maid wan list forn things that wuld be gud. Becker bites tripe bites stuffy with skweeky cheez pupkorn river wok wisit and playdate with aknee playdate with tha gotes (exspeshully carmella and bo nu nitt swetter romp on spannish bank sammich fram terrah after raw tripe after that sand dig after that trip to tha cownty wairever thair is cleen sand and cider salad strahbarry ice creem at tha cownty p.s also, pls give me wan tik check while you ken zoom in. i have gotten to do this every date.  p.p.s. Didnt you not heer how frightened tha bare was wan he herd I wasn't not vegan?

haven't you not never...?

Been lettle but certainly big enough too git around town on tha mighty MTA subway by yournself wairever? My, my, my. I certanly have and ken. I simply git on and git off at 72nd whanever i am done. I say a howdy do to tha rats fram kanada and hed strate home after a bit of hunting and treet shopping. I rally enjoy beeing an independent mans.

hoppy grindmather-grindsun date to me & you!

MINE favrit: snoozing. Deerly Amo, Wot a grate date forn us. I have gotten BIG plans to enjoy ourn date wan I git over thair to have a wisit. We will do everything we lave such as: lie down forn kwite sum time. (This is MINE favrit.) Git massage and rubs. (You ken combine this with lie-downs witch is grate.) Walk on dirty sand wairever. (Here you ken feel tha urth putting energy into yourn boddy.) Eet breds. MINE favrit is white breds softened in tha son and rane. Eet saltfree foods. (These are tha rools in MINE house: NO salt forn NO dags NEVER!) However, we ken have: rice, meets, froots, yogurt, kefear, salman, turkeys, pupcorn, calliflour, treets. Hear is wan pome forn you. My, My, My Wan date I had been seen by wan ladee She had seen MINE face and boddy in tha computer "my, my, my" she sed. "he looks grate" Wan date I had flown in a creat To meet wan ladee whom's face I han't not never seen b4 "my, my, my" she sed. &q

FRIDATE: wan BIG date on the foam front

GRATE BIG NUS! Wan comfortable peace of foam is coming on Fridate! I am vairy excited and I strongly hope it ken werk well. It has been two long, MINE frands. Two long. Tomorrow afternoon mam is hedding to west 26 street to git me wan nu peace of foam forn mINE bedroom chair. I kennot weight!