
Showing posts from June, 2014

dutch song. fram mankee

Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit Unity and law and freedom für das deutsche Vaterland! For the German Fatherland Danach lasst uns alle streben Let us all strive for that Brüderlich mit Herz und Hand! In brotherhood with heart and hand! Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit Unity and law and freedom Sind des Glückes Unterpfand; Are the foundation for happiness Blüh' im Glanze dieses Glückes, Bloom in the glow of happiness Blühe, deutsches Vaterland. Bloom, German Fatherland.

MINE ex, her name is fritzi

we had a fight. I kennot trust her. She always jamps on mine back. She kennot every sit still. She is bossy. She has wan bad temper. I do NOT lake her. THE end! We argued. I said "stop it!" "Go" away! I "felt" lake I wuld bite her ear.

wan speshul thing

wan grate thing in lafe is to sleep with your fother. he ken stay still and warm and together you ken sleep lake one body. it is MINE favourite becawse i do NOT have another dag or kat to sleep with. Mather moves too much so you kennot NOT feel relaxed.

Wan grate time

You Ken see they had fun. I sat at home for FIVE hours becawse mine feet hurt, I was tried fram walking everywair and I felt "emotional" mine Fother went to work. However I did get water and small treets.

I am watching

we watched the WM with deutschland and MINE country (tha gratest country in the wurld) in the men's dressing room at Phantom. I am boring me.

wairever are you (THEY)

amo, goodi ken you say wairever you are? we kennot know and we wuld lake to see the listings. MINE kusin steffi and hanno are visiting me this weekend. they will go the STRAND with me. however, it is cold.

I am a mon

todate fritzi plus me had beeutifull sex together. this was MINE first time and it was grate. mather and fritzi fother watched us. that is nice wan your mather ken support you. we had a wanderfull time running, laffing and sexing a lot. it was a grate date. now i am vairy tried and will have a sonshine nap. goodi, did you eet menny grate vancouver foods? you ken eet: fish, salmon, meets, yogurt, bred. amo, we must watch the game tomorrow for deutschland. however, i will have sext first. it is grate! anti, you kuld feel prowd becawse i am a man now.

this is rakim

everybady ken say he is a good dag. he does NOT beg for foods. He does NOT wine for foods. He does NOT get up and search under tables for food. He is good. i am more creative. i am a "freed spirit." I lake to express MINEself and i lake to search around for foods lake a self-starter. i am good and i am speshul.

you are lucky

this is a wance in a lafetime to go to vancouver. it is beeutifull. i have been riding a bike. it is stadtrad. grate.

Ken't you NOT see

her name is fritzi not crazy

have a wanderfull time in vancouver. it is nice thair on todate and mondate but it will reign on tuesdate and maybe wensdate. i must go find fritizi now. wan you see her, you will understand.

I am in lave

Her name is fritzi and she has her moon time. It is wanderfull. She is natural women.

Im not lazy

Kennot you see I'm tried.

tina and vanda

vanda is ginger and she is 11. tina is not even 2. they live together across the street and they are called "dakshunds". i lave them a lot. i am on skype now.


I have gained back all MINE wait loss. I look lake disgusting. I will NOT post fotos and I will not visit. I ken only eet 3.5 pucks now. I feel hangry, tired and angry. the only time i feel happy is when i see tina and wanda, eet foods, sleep, play ball, pets with vogel and mather, smell gud things. it is tarrible.

goodi and amo

I wisht i kuld go to Kirmus wair they have erdbeerfest. However, it is sed "keine hunde". I am hunde thairfour mather and fother will lock me in the haus. meybe i ken catch up on mine sleep. this is on saturday. I have felt vairy tired for menny days now. yesterday i got MINE hartwurm pill at MINE tierartzt. mather asked "why does he scratch his (MINE) snoot?" she sed "maybe he ken have hayfever. this ken go hand in hand with your anal gland." than she but fingers into MINE bottom to get same anal gland. I wuld lake not to go thair agin. Everybady has sed that they lave MINE stainless steal dish. I only lave it wan it has food or water wan I'm thirsty. That is a nice goodi gift. Amo and goodi must be speshul to me, give gifts and hall mir dabei. mather has lerned menny things von saarland. such as: Interwar history Main article: Saar (League of Nations) In 1920 the Saargebiet was occupied by Britain and

i kennot use nobady

i have a gud hart thairfour i ken'NOT use nobady. i felt lake we had a speshul realtionship and i kuld look forward to  more wanderfull gifts and foods and peeces lake you did wan you were younger and MINe mather and everybady. it is a grat idee. however, i will find another wan if you do NOT lave me.

MINE goodi

mather has got wan goodi. she gave her menny peeces. she gave me pampkin fram her freezer. she gave everybady erdbeerkucken. thairfour, i have chosen wan goodi for me. it is ninjano. she ken give me: menny peeces, pampkin, fish, meets, froots, beef, elk. we ken enjoy a "speshul relationship." she must always take MINE side wan i am in trable.

MINE family

I made one poop in Saarbrucken. that was nice.





New kitchen


New floor under the roof


Child of andreas


Phone number

+49 172 669 8765 cell +49 6836 3070 Herbert +49 6936 685674 Elli

Good I




I am hangry


Vive la france




Mine aunt


Rest and play
