
Showing posts from 2021

on ye speshul okashun of yourn 90eth brithdate

Deerlee AMO!!! Happy 90th Brithdate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy you were borned and are enjoying wan long lafe. May you live a longer and healthier lafe so we ken continue to growed old together over tha fone. Lave, Buttn YOURN OFFISHUL GOVERNMENT LETTER ON A SPESHUL BRITHDATE: I, tha dag ambassador of america and kanada, wan butoon b. peck tha third troo-dough, do kindly wish to send mine offishul greetings fram mine offishul dooties and best wishes for wan best 90eth brithdate to tha ladee mrs. greta a. dickau. signed, tha honorable butoon b. troo-dough III wan long lafe gits longer-tha story of amo She had bin borned wan tiny baby in a different place and a different wurld. In tha wurld you kuld smell flours, fresh airs, eet fresh butter, have reel strawberries and not git killt day and night by kriminals or koronavirus. childrens kuld play lake innocently alongside dags whom had gotten proper food lake stake, potatoes, liver, meets, cakes, buns, reel bred, fresh creem and

brithdate pome number 173

NAMES wan you call my name "moonkee" remamber all the same that I am just wan lettle wan in body not in brane wan you call up harry dont forget tha trooth he is now yourn brather and has known you since yourn youth wan you tok to karin pleez consider this you ken tok of kats and hare and even reminisce wan you speek hern name "amo" keep a thot inside yourn hed to make sure you remamber she's a woman first insted wan you pray to yourn paw and ask "how are you ben?" make sure you know he lives on fornever, ever and amen wan you yell hisn name "klam" don't forget the trooth he does akt silly some dates becawse his nature is still youth wan you wisper hern name "tuna" apologize insted she was borned in real lafe not fished lake you pretend wan you call out "beau!" pleez try hard to be smart wan you think he isnt not here he's living in yourn hart wan you say hern name "ninjoe" pleez dont get it wrong hern nam

yourn yoga guru

 Have you lernt fram a profeshonal instruktor of yoga and pilates and fitness? Todate is yourn lucky date. Guru Beckon will git yourn mind and body fit in wan weak. Pay attenshun! The first moves are awaking tha body. Stretch, roll, awakened tha spine! Don't be shy wan bit. Waked up, boddy!! Vairy advanced levitating for gurus. fish pose. it takes a pro to git it write. Deep spinal twist. DEEPER! Downward dag. Take an meditashun brake. Looks lake sleeping but this is advanced sidestretchvassaya. She pays close attention to tha guru. Smert. DON'T BOTHER. They can't never lern. She kennot not git it! I'm explaning but she is lake def. NOT lake this with yourn hed turned! NO! Take time to smell tha Hudson. Take sum "ME time". You deserved it!

Haven't you not wisited Italy never? MAMMA MIA!!

 welkom to the land of sea, sand, tomato, fishes, cheezis, breds and lucky dags whom eet pasta with every meel! tha kats git milk and pasta with meets. tha dags git ice creem cones in every flavor they wish and meets and pasta and cheez. it is paradise forn foodees lake me. first, you werk up an appetite running thru tha anshunt runes and up hills and cliffs above tha sea.Volume up. don't be shocked wan nachur calls rest up after climing tha hill strong mens at temple of HERCULES Wance you've wokked a few hills and cliffs and had a few sunburn naps, it's time for ICED CREEM! This was tha onlee time I had gotten wan entire coned ice forn MINEself. Thank you Saro. A troo hero forn all dags everywair, wairever (plexina).

whom is smert?

Hear is wan weigh to tell whom is smert. Look at tha face. You ken see grate eesily with nekid eyes whom isn't NOT smert or deep intelligence blended with kindness. See with yourn hart AND eyes and it is eesy. Red X meens NOT smert. Green czechmark meens smert and kind and gud all blended together. NOT SMERT   SMERT, FUNNY, GUD. NOT SMERT. Ken be gud but sumtimes. NO WERDS NEEDED. BEST BRANE NEXT TO BAD BRANE. COMPLETE PACKAGE. VERY SMERT. THA BEST. SMERT. KIND. FUN. FUNNY. INTELLIGENCE.

a haus forn you

I have been gitting sum haus listings forn you to buy orn build at 3 Dancer Belt. I have gotten impekkable tastes and I think you will find you want to give wan comishun to me. Hear aren sum offerings fram Beckon LePeck whom is reelatour par excellence. wot do you thinked? wan palm springs rancher wan tradishonal tha haciendah kolonial

this is NOT write

  You ken see wot type of summer I'm in forn. Nobady is waxxinating dags whom ken git sik too. Everybady keeps petting me with covid hands. This wrong. Use yourn manners and use yourn heds NOT yourn hands. Homans aren't not very smert. Dags understand lafe better such as a tree, a rock, a clowd. Also treets. Mask up, dags. Homans have ruined everything wance agin.


 They dropped me off with strangers and wokked aweigh laffing. They went out for kofis, beech, hikes in tha son while i was drugged and mutilated. Amo, while I was drugged, they tore out mine teef fram thair sokkets. They starved me. Mam finally came to git me. I had wan wet kneck (nobady has solved that misstery), wan tong hanging out of  my mouf, big swellings, blood and stitches inside my mouf. My tiny chiclets were gone. Mine trust evaporated. Mine nales felt short and strange. MINE eers felt emptied of protecshun waxes. They gave me 25% of foods that date to add misery onto misery. All knight I cried while mine legs wuldn't not werk. All knight I cried fram a waking drag knightmere. Mam carried me lake a newborn. Papa carried me lake a newborn. They locked me into mine sleepchare so I kuldn't not git up. Agin they drugged me. They sneeked pills into mine meager foods. I pretended I didn't notice becawse I was starving. Amo, I feel better. But Amo ken i ever forgit? Ken


 Deer NinJ, Mam had told me "look into yourn bank a-count and you will see Ninjoke had sent you peeces forn 30 bags of stella foods!" You ken imagine i looked lake Skepticall as in tha foto wairever you aren holding me. (You look lake SO young compared to now. Had you been 20 years younger? I kennot not remember!) I feel wan grate deel of gratitood forn tha ginirous gift and kennot not weight to git sum bags over in billvelle. I am dreeming of chimken, ducks, mixed red meets, tantalizing turkey, dandy lamb, surf 'n turf and on and on. I shall be king of grate meets. Thanks mine gratitood agin. Lave, Monkjoke