
Showing posts from March, 2017

we are beings not doings

Mam, had gotten a plant fram Traitor Joe's. Together we enjoy the son and we ARE BEING.

Tha lafe

I have rolled mine coins for kwik cash and gotten an Americanine Express Bark card which they will pay off. I have swelled mine belly with menny foods. I am set forn lafe. As soon as mine store gits becker bites i am going to spend some peeces thair. Let me know if you'd lake a treet. Button will pay. P.s. It is mine ninth adoption anniversary and I am still a smert cookie with a grate appetite. "re: Button Justin & Kristina,   Can we finalize the time later?  Right now between 11 & 12 on Saturday at your apartment sounds good. Button is housebroken but he is used to going out in a yard - so there may be a learning curve as far as waiting for a walk.  He is a smart cookie and should get into sync quickly.  Button has no allergies and a great appetite.  I always recommend a harness for our small dogs because they are prone to neck injuries from collars.   He definitely likes to sleep in bed with you.     I thought we would just meet this weekend and then the foll

treet nite

Haven't you not never had BLUMENDALE'S plane frozened gofurt? You ken git a giant pile for free and sit down in a corner and watch tha shoppers. I ken tell you: keep yourn jewls, keep yourn handbags, keep yourn blouses, keep yourn coats and underpants and give me all tha gogurt in tha store! That is the meening of lafe. Foods.

put tha treets in tha bag

and nobady ken git hurt! Kennot you guess whom it is? Wan cloo for true detectives; Kcep Nimajneb Nottub, grate masked male.

four boots and a gent

Fore white feet went walking They marched me straight outside tha door Fore white feet went walking Wairing boots meant for a gent Fore white feet went walking Heding straight into yourn hart

Don't not bother

Looking forn a sunbeem or Taking off yourn winter wollens Don't not bother Wishing to smell a flour or Trying to run on grass Winter is here forever. Lafe is hopeless. Tha End.

uh oh

Camper is engry and felt he isn't NOT spoilt. He is good and clever and hangry and cleen and tha gratest. He ken sue everybady and has done it menny times befour. His mouf is soft and not greedy. I didn't not know he had red mind blag. He is that clever. Here you ken see he is that engry.

haven't you not never metted Camper?

He is lake wan brather to me. However, he is vairy spoilt. He eets date and night and is allowed to run all over tha apartment becawse he litter trained hisself lake a gent. I git jealous so when he gits his night carrot, I git wan too. Papa had found him abandoned in a handbag under a bench in Riverside Perk on the feest of st. francis after I had gotten blessed. Then Nana Had adopted him for lafe. He is greedy, clever and snores. Plus he has a gotten a big appetite. Here you ken see his greedy mouth opening to eet more berries.

i kennot not go to magnuson perk todate so...



I had gotten rother hot yesterdate with 22 degrees of february heet. I had w al ked fourn hours until mine legs sed "have a nap now". I had saved some inergy to cleen, such as tha peenut butter jar, unsalted, smooth, organic and vairy tasty. It is a tough job mine frands.