
Showing posts from August, 2013

Morning kofi

This is Petaluma. It is our favorite.

I am hiding

This I s Napa oxbow market  by the river. Therefour Mather drinks gewürztraminer. I snoos in MINE carrier under the table. Fother hunts four oyster and cheese. I ate dehydrated cod skin. It is naturally omega good and crispy.

dining el dente

everybady. this ken be a grate way to enjoy dinner. you ken look at the pacific. it is called dining el dente. it meens: italian for wan you enjoy eeting in the fresh air. mather tot menny italian things to me. i ken write italian now. pleeze check yourn email to see more colifronia.

MINE colufrinia

I lave it! I ate salmon jicama chicken. Then I went on fog beech. I saw elk owl deer and falcon. I staired and smellt. This us haven.

sunday funday

on sundate, i went to long island to a bbq. my buddy buddy was there. his name is buddy and he is my buddy. we chewed on rawhide licorice sticks together. we pooped at the same time in the field. we ate chicken. we chased around the yard. we grately enjoyed our time everywhere. buddy is a good dag. he always wanted to eat MINE rawhide. then mather switched them. buddy has a new brather baby. his name is jack. he has a car seat. jack's mather brought it out of the car and then buddy sat in it. buddy looks good. mather is hoping peeple took fotos of how grate we are. what a lavely day for me!

they did IT agin!

they maid me half another both. i HATED it. they said "he will never NEVER git flees becawse we will give another both."


Raw pucks taste best and especially  if you ken EET them with pumpkin in a lovely Japanese stonewair.

MINE nother gurlfrend

this is lola, you've have met her before. she is petite. we enjoyed a "creme puff" together. we kissed because we are old couple from before wan i stayed with her in minneapolis. that was fun. i lerned to pee indoors beside her on the weewee pad. i cood enjoy that very much and i did. we went to the perk and we had a wanderfull evening. mather didnt see i ate dessert so please keep it "quiet".

our lard's day

this is the day you must cleen your haus and then you must rest. therefore, i got ready to rest on satirday. mather put the perk towel down into MINE preferrt sunpatch and i rested very carefully lake ken feel vairy nice indeed.


you ken pets me to regularize your heartbeat. it is NO problem. i ken help lake that. we will both "benefit". it is called sharing together.

the air

the air in MINE perk smells quite gud. you ken smellt feces fram the river, pollution, dead fish, grass, plants. also you ken smell dog poops, pee, sewage, rotting food and burgers fram the pier cafe. enjoy smellt it all becawse it is "interesting" and you ken lern about lafe in your neighbourhood on the "breeze".

A bizzy day


four noonjo

I enjoyed tha hard sidewok. Camper enjoyed a smorgasbord. Can you guess whom is spoilt and laved?

The both

This is the tarable "both" inside the kitchen sink. Everything feels tarable  except the peenut budder I found all around the sink. Now I smellt ordinary lake a bowl of oatmeel. I wuld lake to smellt lake "buttone".

nobady kennot see me

you can't NOT see me. mather sat on flor and noticed and said "thair he is!" becawse i was "thair".

this is "foto" blag

you ken put menny fotos and say it is a foto blag. on monday, i went to perk (guess which one is whom i went to) with mather and fother. then mather said "i am tired. i willt go home." so we went home and mather slept all day and night lake me. she felt relaxed. i tried on fother's sandals and they felt big and silly. it is funny.

Bossy Cat Drags Dog

Bossy Cat Drags Dog


it is gud for MINE helth. eet it in the perk for fresshness.


papa and i went far into the perk to enjoy healthy time away fram mather. she is too sik. we played. then for a sunbath, i felt "this is the best place to knap on my fother's krutch." tha end.

This dag is lacky


Now i'am tired



mather felt sik. therefore she slept on zofa. wan she went to bathroom, i said, "ok. i will keep it warm and popcorn/bastmatsi smell." she said "you parked your ass on my pillow." that is rood. however, she is sick and she has roid rage. therefore we must be pashunt.  

Gürtelrose Krankheit

my mather is "sick". i won't touch her becawse i did NOT have chicken pocks never.

Hope and Rosey

these dags ken dance wanderfully. i will NOT "dance for MINE dinner". i have "dignity". mather learned i am left-pawed. this meens i am creative and not as easily trained. if you watchted the speshul video about dags, you willt understand.