
Showing posts from September, 2016

Werk of Art

You ken called this "Tubbon on HIS Heetpatch Fort on Wan Cool, Rainy Date".

Mine leg

I had hurten mine leg a bit. (Don't not tell Mam becawse I didn't not really hurt it. I just put on a loose compression stalking so she ken feel lake she is not alone.) This is helping MINE leg a grate deel.

Mam has gotten home

Mam had gotten back fram out of town. She had taken ourn laptop and ourn harts. This foto is wan man and me had wan partner dressing date. It feels grate to remember all yourn mam memories. Exspecially wan she had left you to see her mam and hern sister whom are mine grindmather and mine anti. Papa and I had satten in filth for 4 dates and than cleaned lake maniacs. That is lafe as bachelor mens. Mam had gone to Banff again wairever you ken see bares, elks, mountains and "wildlife". THIS IS THE OFFT-LEESH DAG PERK.


This is wairever we think about resting our chins in lafe. Wot a grate thing mine chin is. Wot a grate thing pankee's chin is.

This is wairever

I had lernt: "He kennot go visit his grindmather and anti wan I go on Fridate. He has gotten to stay home." All's I ken heer wan she sez it is better fourn you not to fly on a long plain ride, papa needs you, you have gotten to gard ourn home, I will miss you lake crazy fournd 3.5 dates, yourn family will send treets and will miss you too much , I have gotten to see MINE doktor..." is blah, blah, blah nobady laves Button. Thairfour I had felt "dipresst" and stuckt mine nose against tha wall.

Pleez join me on wan journey

Wairever I hed to Riverside after eeting sum ramen egg at a ristorante.

wance i had an accident

Had you never not felt lake "I have gotten to pee RIGHT NOW?" Well wan I had only been adopted fourn a short time, Mam decided to cook mine own foods. She made menny vegetables fourn mine helth. However, she hadn't not thot "all those vegetables ken make him want to pee lake a devil." I gave hern mine face of "let's go out and pee". She kuldn't not understand mine face. Thairfour I went in tha bedroom, jumped onto tha duvet and thot "Here I ken pee and hide it in tha duvet which is big and thick and nobady ken find it." They had found it 5 minutes later. However, they wisely sed "Poor Dag. He had gotten wan full bladder fram vegetables. We are not smert." We must get nixwax and dry cleening and apologize to him." Tha moral of tha story: If you pee wan bed, it is thairn fault.

Agin I am famus

Nobady is surprist to find that I have entered tha politikal race this yeer. I am gitting behind Linda whom had put out a bill to git "pets" to eet on patios in NY state, to give mam wan flu shoot and for "Homes not Hotels"! Papa felt surprised to see me in tha brochure wan he opened it. Mam and I look lake we are just grate. Vote forn Bottun! Vote forn Linda!

Mine recommendation

This is a grate place wairever you ken pee in Riverside ( it is mine perk). However you ken bet I will drowned yourn scent with mine pee.

Long weekend

This is wot I had done on Labrador Weekend. First I had metted Mam after hern gorgjush haircut and Panky and her mam four mexican fiesta wairever papa dranked margaritña befour werk and mam had sips she kennot be allowed to have with hern medicashun. Thairfour I had eeten cheez and corn chips I kenot be allowed to have fourn mine wasteline. Than I had lounged arowned quite a bit and then I had metted Pankee agin four a date at Ellington in tha Perk (it is Riverside. MINE Perk.) Panky's mam sed: "MY my my, he looks lake a sausage waste." Yes, MINE frands. I have not taken on a diet wan bit. Now they are saying I have gotten to git back mine youthful waste.