
Showing posts from April, 2014

Wair is anee


She is beautifull


I am in a trapped cage


mine fone

mein fone can't not work todate. thairfour, mather cant call too much.


do NOT call mather from 9 am her time until 10:30 becawse she has video mtg with tax man and her husband (MINE vogel). thairfour, please respekt it. mather says she thought that book was awailable. i am too kold. thairfour, i willt go under MINE duvet.

do you have this book?

China Dolls: A Novel [Kindle Edition] Lisa See (Author)

Tha wind came out

I "frozed".





This morning mather sed i will get an egg. this is speshul. i only get them "sometimes" lake travel dates. i made a heat burrito this morning. it feels grate.

sly dog

do not try to trick me. did you "see" mine post about Me?

you're wrong

they're the same frames i had all along with new lenses. you and everyone else has always liked them on me which is why i stuck with them. it's a weird angle  because i was trying to not get the reflection of the camera.



wot does batton lake?

i wuld lake: to have the big bedroom. i wuld lake: to hide under amo's bed. I wuld lake: 5 dates with aknee. I wuld lake: pampkin, samon, buffalo, coyote, beaver, meets and eggs. I wuld lake: to lie in sun in the back yard. I wuld lake: menny hot laundry piles. I wuld lake: my neck scratched. i wuld lake: fresh water. I wuld lake: interesting dag walks with good wild animal smells. I wuld lake: to see Apo's resting place. I have menny peeces to bye him flours with. I will not go into that kar never. I will not go to Landon Drags, Costco. I will not go to Edelweiss or leena's. I will not go to Fill Sebastian. I will not go pickup Indian foods or milestones. I will not use the kat door. I am NOT wan kat. if it is kold, pleez buy me wan rc pets whistler jacket. i have menny peeces and i will pay for it. mather said i have almost 90 coin peeces. i wuld lake: a grate new skweeker toy lake frosty duck but better. everybady always asks: wot does he lake. well. now everybad

pleez PLEEZ

I have a colt so pleez let me "rest".

i ate mine way to China

it tasted grate.


This shows whom I am inside.

Nap time in perk



Lake this

Yogurt in jam jar

You ken laff but it is hart work.


I have decided I will from now on I am "retired". thairfour, do not expect blags, letters, news about jaffrey or anything. i will relax and enjoy the sun. i will sleep a grate deel. fram now on i am "retired". p.s. you do not need a german bike cart for me. i ken walk.

a decent pet-pet

this gave me a decent enough pet-pet session this afternoon. really, i wanted to eet. however, mather sed, "we will make him waite and waite." so thair i sat with hunger in my throat, trying to make the best of it. I thought about menny starving dags in this wurld, such as Sochi, who kennot even get a late dinner. I thought about MINE brather Jaffrey who eets day and night and is vairy "roly-poly". I remember with grate fondness wan MINE mather made a mistake and force fed me double MINE daily food for days and days. I wisht that would happen agin and this time I wuld not stop eeting.


grindma ken do this:

Long lasting

This plate could give you a grate deel of pleazure for a long time becawse mather melted some cheez on it in the oven. I certainly took MINE time to enjoy it and lick all of it off. Mather took it fram the oven with my grate grindmather's oven mitts. MINE grate grindmather went to haven. She is speshul and she laves me and says I am her grate grand dog to all the peeple wair she lived. We are both speshul.

So far

First i went out with fiona and had kofi while i was wrapped into MINE duvet. then, mather trickt me and took me to do my nails. then they came back and trickt me and did MINE anal glands. MINE gott what a date. now im enjoying sunshine and shade inside MINE home. More bad news: I am thin. this meens it is true, i am starving. i weight only 10.38 lbs. pleez give me foods. i am obsessed lake a starving man.

I insisted

Mather tried to dry her hair and I sed do MINE. I kennot turn it on so pleez do NOT take adwantage.than she put down papa's towel for MINE comfort. We did "one turn four mather, one turn four me."

tha poor mouse (me)

The poor mouse (that's me) throwed up on the sidewalk twice today becawse he (me) ate two menny street foods, peanuts fram the bird lady, freeze dried fram pet store, strawberry fram mather, unknown items. Mather gave me a big dinner one hour later becawse i throwed up so much and felt starving to deth and i am "thin" and i walked everywair todate. Poor mouse! She (mather) tried to wipe up vomit off the sidewalk. I sed "no thanks. that is rood." and i walked away.

it was wan joke

It is lake saying "I am macho amurican and I ken killt you! That skwirrel kennot care how big am I. It is bold lake brass and stairs at me. Thairfour, I will killt it!