
Showing posts from 2016

wake me up next yeer

Good Knight to 2016!

Marry Dates are Heer

I lave this time of yeer becawse I ken git treets and smell a tree whom I'd lave to pee on. This mourning it had snewed. I enjoyed watching it fram my heetpatch. However, wan mam took me out it started to change to rein and I had felt lake "No thanks. I am going home to watch fram MINE hotpatch." If Lucca kuld be heer maybe we wood've gone to tha perk earlier to run, then we kuld've run to all the apartment doors and towels and piazza krusts. Heer is kusin Camper whom jumps up onto the sofa lake a kat.

Hoppy Brithdate, Grindmather!

deerly lady amo, ken i give you a wish fore yourn brithdate? have a grate yeer and hoppy brithdate.! I ken see you soon and be a guf boy and nice and calm. lave, botton heer jaffrey wuld lake to say; Hoppy brithdate fram a cute boy.


Deern Lucca, I had gone to "Kanada": wairever I had seen Oma and ninjoey. I had gotten treets and beds. Then it had turnt kold and snew. I had sed "I am leeving. It is too kold forn me." I ken run in snew but not in kold. Have you gotten yourn snew? Are you running into it? Lave, Tubbon This is me, ttubon back home wairever it is gitting christmasky.

Mine mubella

Wairever had I putten mine unbrella? Oh lard! I hate rein.


Todate I feel lake I will think of all that is grate forn greatitude feelings. Such as: radiator and two heet patches. Mam, whom brushes me, papa whom pets me. Mine relatives such as Ninjoey and amo whom sent me gifts. Meets. MINE gurlfrands such as Pinky and Zoey. Balls and toys. Mine gud old bed that I lave. Sonshine. Fore legs which make mine back comfortable. Grate sense of smells and eers that ken heer grate.

MINE wail

Hadn't I NOT told nobady? Well, well, well. As I had satten with Tanya on that beeutiful date on Saturdate beside tha Hudson whom is MIGHTY, I had seen a wail. Don't not beleeve me but you ken read about it in yourn papers and yourn online. I had smelt that big fish wan mile away and thot, "Oh grate. He ken eet all tha fish and I ken git none." Here is tha mighty wail. And here we ken read wot the Nu Yorked Times have written: "The Hudson River has a resident humpback. “It was general excitement and shock,” Dr. Dubroff, 39, said, “and how thrilling that a whale can be in the Hudson, based on what we see float by sometimes.” Indeed, the Hudson, as scenic as it is, does not scream “whale habitat.” But experts say cleanup and conservation efforts have led to cleaner waters and an abundance of fish, amenities that have attracted at least one humpback whale to the river waters off Manhattan this month."

Last grate date

This was a warm date wairever I satted on Tanya's lap with Panky and smellt tha Mighty River while mam sat beside me. Now I have felt lake "Lafe is too kold forn me." I have thot about wan pome. Tha Leef Lake an dried old leef in November I ken feel mine sole shriveling up and dying Lake a ded leef in January I have lost mine hope of more lafe Lake a new leef in March I am dreeming Of smells and green and reddy to spring back into Lafe. Tha End!

Zoe is...

Brave Cold Spoilt Gentile Beautiful She has gotten a custom wheelchair fram Vermont, no, she isn't not in panes.

Mine face

It is beauty.


Wot a beautiful time wairever you ken where a chunky swetter and not pant yourself halfway to deth. Wot a plesant time to enjoy tha grate outdoors in Riverside.

pleez kennot you don't disturb me

I feel lake sleeping in a lot with MINE papa. Haven't you never felt lake you want to sleep with yourn fother late into tha mourning? Mam stop turning tha blinds open. Good mourning and night, wurld.

wan pome

Watter In MINE watter bowl You are cleen and fresh And cooling mine tongue In tha bath fram mam's hands You are brutal pounding mine hed Crashing on MINE body On tha street You are cold and damp Moistening mine pads in a tarrible weigh O watter You magnificent, tarrible beest Thank you forn keeping us hydrated.

about last night

Maybe I ken apologize forn peeing in public, eeting out of trash, jamping into a fountain and gitting so dranked that pappa had to carry me. It had sooted mine costumer wairever I was an punk rocker wairing an ironic Kiss t-shirt. Kiss is a big sellout whom played for tha Man. NOT Bottun! PLEEZ remamber I am a gud dag.

Tha hawk and mineself

Well well well mighty hawk. It wuld seem you have metten yourn match. I ken climb into a tree lake you and boss tha field arownd lake king fram tha castle. Signed, Mightee Bottun

In mine date on Saturdate

I had seen tree, sun and old man Jasper.The first goldenie is stubborn and playful whom eets his leesh and won't not git up. He is NOT Jasper. However, Old Man Jasper gits pushed in his bed becawse he is 13 and his hips hurt a bit. He enjoys smelling everything in tha perk. Then when he gits to his favorite part he walks around a bit until his eyes and legs say "Mam, put me back in tha dag wagon." Sometimes dags such as mineself git in for a smell and to pay ourn respekts and say hi. Then I walked with mine strong elgs four at leest two hours plus ate som sticks and wood chips. That was sum of mine saturdate.


Ken mine frand Bundles come too?

hadn't you not noticed?

I have gone back to Bottun. It is mine reel name. It had been given to me fram a foster mam. MINE reel mam and papa laked it and sed "He is cute as a Bottun and has gotten shiny Bottun eyes and nose." Then they had added Benjamin so I ken be named in honor of mine grindfother. I ken be prowed but I feel lake tired and confused. I felt sertain I was Diego. Now I don't know. I don't know nothing. I am still thinking about "home".


HOME wan pome by button p. beck Home where MINE thoughts escaping, Home where MINE music's playing, Home where MINE loves lies weighting Silently for me.  

Wot is a "home"?

Todate while I was on wan afternoon walk in MINE perk (it is Riverside), I had asked MINESELF this kwestion. It is wairever you kennot never go tha bathroom if you are a dag but yes, you ken go in yourn bathroom wan you are hooman. It is wairever nobady ken come into without nocking on yourn door or ringing yourn doorbell. I am thinking more on "wot is a home?".

Wan sad moment

This is wairever I git off tha lelavator at mine flor and say sayonara to mine gurlfrand Zoey in addition to mine gurlfrand Peri whom is playing with Zoey todate wairever I'd lake to go to Zoey apartment too becawse she has gotten bowls of kibble on tha flor. Sigh.

Can't you not remember?

MINE brown swetter I had first botten and worn wan I was thin and had an hairy face? You ken git menny memories fram fotos.

lookback wednesdates

Hadn't you not known? Hadn't you not forgotten? Menny yeers ago I had lived in tha grate AMERICAN city LOS VEGAS. This is wairever I had sonshine everydate, hiked everydate, met tha endagered desert tortoise, met a peg at tha dag run, napped on tha balcony, laid by tha pool and generally lazed about. This is wairever I sed goodby to Jaffrey whom everybady laved and wairever I drove to Las Angeles to visit tha beech and tha framers' markets. Wot a time.

Diego does...

Tha weekend. If you're not sitting in the son with yourn gurlfrand and mam listening to seegulls squank overhed, chasing Mam around wan bit, eeting salty fries with Pappa beside yourn Hudson river and sleeping in on yourn hotpatch Sundate mourning, than you'ren not doing it right lake Diego. This is Panky strutting her stuff and shaking out her hares.