
Showing posts from January, 2017

whom am i?

Everybady wanders "whom is Bottun? Wot is he really lake? Is he smert (yes). Funny? (yes). A grate guy? (yes.)" I wuld describe mineself lake "a reel thinker". Wan I wander about lafe or wot mine favrit foods are or which stuffy I wuld lake to pretend-murder, I lie down and face away fram distractions and think. "Wot? Kennot you not see I am busy thinking?"

o christmask tree!

O Christmask Tree Wan I wander Wairever you are It is here Wair you are ded In MINE perk I have gotten to feel Lake yourn lafe had been used Then thrown out Lake nothing To be mulched Wairever you ken be Reborn in flowers Trees Plants Wairever I wuld lake to pee Goodbye tree Yourn lafe was gud. Fram the hart and brane of gentleman blagger extraordinaire B.B. Peck

wan i was a jung man...

I had had this adoption foto and had worn a red lether collar. (We had all made fashon missteps wan junger.) I had missed mine mam wan she had gone out forn an hour and chewed on hern chou. I had grabben this empty milk carton fram tha recycling and burried it to lick out later becawse I had a tiny waste and felt starving lake a street urchin. I cannot say I was smert lake I became becawse wan you are jung (think of Jaffrey) you have not gotten a good fully developed brane.

Mine nu boots

These have gotten to be MINE nu boots. They have wan rubberized bottom which ken keep yourn pas dry and non-skid. They have gotten wan upper sock which ken look lake: fashon. And they have gotten wan wrap-around-velcrow which ken keep yourn boots on. They are fram Calgary in mighty Canada. They will not git salt nor painful snew-melt pellets on yourn pas. I hate them. -Fram tha mind and hart of Mr. Button B. Peck a gentleman blagger extraordinaire.