
Showing posts from August, 2015

Happy birthdate!

MINE deerly methar. Ken you have tha best date becawse you are mine best "Mather"?

MINE "me" time

Todate I am taking time for mine self thairfour do not expect oweds, nor pomes, nor blags. I am excited four gifts becawse it is dogs date Todate. 

I'm a rebel and free-thanker

Yesterdate while mather went to connect-it-cut, I had lain on the grass with fother neer the hudson mighty river. We seem to enjoy mens time a grate deel. Mens time is wan you do nothing but eet and lie around. You do NOT cleen, buy groceries, shower, bathe or make foods. You do eet foods and enjoy lafe. I had found wan perfect spot whan out of MINE eye corner i saw the perk's police who kuld lave to put me in jail. I had thought: "good luck noticing MINE slim profile, you fools." i felt prowed and relaxed. If anybody ranned over to arrest me, I had known papa wuld say "he was borned in canada. He kennot go to jail or get a ticket." However, i am a new yorker borned in new jersey thru and through. Pleez beleeve me no goverment ken tell me wot to do and wairever to go! Not in america!

Owed to winter (pome)

Wair is your whory frost That ken sound lake Dr. Becker bites Crispy and cracky on branches Wair is your coat of snew That ken give me A grate feeling of fun And play O salty sidewalks That ken burn mine pas O wind that ken cut me Kold to tha bone Thru mine jacket On a hot date You seem lake you were A lavely breath minty fresh On this summer date I dreem of cozying up to Mine radiator Inside mine warm home Tha End

Mine grindpa opa ben

He was Gentle Ben. I have got his name in tha middle: Button Benjamin. However, I had not met him. You ken tell we kuld have enjoyed lafe and times together. Tanya photoshipped us together for Mather's fone. We are in Arizona here enjoying sonshine and lafe.

her brithdate

todate is pinky's mom's brithdate. we are going to have margarita and dag snacks on the patio. Yesterdate we went to the hotel and had peenuts and menny snacks.

You ken beleeve todate was busy

I had to: watch MINE home and guard MINE home all alone for two ours. sit on the hot laundry to make mather smile and feel happy klean little plate of kefir and peenut butter find treets such as becker bites, becker veggie bites hidden fram me all over tha home lake a hunter wuld hunt and cleen them up out of the way

Grate setup

Mather covered mine sofa with a soft grey sheet, put kleanax and remote out. I sed "grate. I will enjoy this sofa spot."

Perfect hot-cold

Mather is home sick watching law plus order. I am enjoying sunpatch with light air con. That is a heetwave.

i hate danold tramp!

He is rood, meen and dumb. He ken start a twitter war and i will killt him on tweetir.

Mine lafe is hot

Yesterdate I had gone to long island "backyard barbeque". I ate tzatziki. Papcorn and corn fram cobs. It was grate.

MINE weekend

So pleez don't NOT bother me to blag. Thank you. Tha end!

pleez look down

belowe you ken here me practise getting foods. it is called "Bark" as in bark. When mathre played this four me, I gently closed MINE eyes.

Wot an evening

She (MINE mather) had made spicy green sauce and myroccan eggplant. She didn't NOT give me wan bite. This is rood and unforgivable toward me. I felt hangry and week. Mine reel frands such as ninjo and PLAMA kuld shair foods together with me lake fish and cheese and rice and saucy foods.


I haav bin practising this .

do you remambered?

wan i was younger and went to tulum? i got sand nose menny times fram playing ball, tag, and fram suntanning too manny times. you ken laff to see how it has given me pig nose.

80s band

I was in MINE band. It had been called "Battoon and tha junkyard Robots". This had been our album cover.

good mourning

Hello to all MINE fans out thair! I have to gets a pawdicure todate, a strong brush out (NO both!) and make sure I am  camera-reddy. MINE lafe is wanderfull and vairy bussy. I have menny frands, menny exciting dates, menny peeces of monies, menny funny stories. What a lafe! Here is thrownback tuesdate! This is Fritzi in Hamburg. We had a grate time becawse we had had sex. This is a wanderfull activity. Try it.

I had gotten wan wish. now i want peenut batter.


I had asked

"Mather, ken you put mine pad in this son becawse i was almost kidnapped yesterdate. And ken I have sum peenut batters to." "Mather ken I NOT have wan tarrible both todate? MINE adrenals are shut fram kidnapping stress." this is wot i have sed todate. I ken need menny pets, treets, cheeses, foods and no boths.


She would lake to kidnap me.

Here. You ken sea.

You have got zoey plus Peri plus Laura and they are all tarribly excited to see "me".

i kennot blag about nothing

I haven't not been anywair. I haven't not done anything. Yesterdate as usual, I went to "riverside" perk in the evening. Mather ranned into "meredith". they walked me into the dag run wairever zoey and peri had been. I didn't care too much becawse I felt lake I should go poop. I have got grate manners and will NOT do this inside the dag run wairever I visit and play. I had to wait and wait and weight while mather "talked" and talked to meredith and finally decided to notice how I had been only standing and waiting to use the facilities. It is rood to make me weight for meredith. Finally i got out of the gates and onto the field wairever I could use the facilities.

Mine bent pa


Mine deerly ladies

Here you ken see some lavely pitchers of me and an intimate portrait of mine feet. Ladies, have you herd? I will be taken into the cascadia subduction zone this month. THIS is NOT grate. However, it is grate to enjoy wan beech run, sushi fish, raw tripe, wan entire house wair i ken sit in menny chairs and get menny fleez. Also, did you know? I will visit with you, deerly ladies in vancouver. We have never done this befour and i will be vairy shocked and wondering "wairever is your home and tha back deck wair I ken ketch some sun?" Lave, button this is central perk. nobady undersatnd why MINE back leg was up.