
Showing posts from June, 2013

tomorroh is vairy speshul day

tomorrow is jully 1st. this is a vairy important and speshul day. it is my birthdate and i will be sex years old. wow. i am excited becawse i will get menny cards in the male fram: "ninja", amo, grindparents, foster mum. i will git menny, menny gifts such as: meets, fish, stuffed toys, livver, speshul play dates. this is a wanderfull date in my lafe and everyone shuld celebrate. p.s. also, it is kanadaa's birthdate on jully 1st. happy birthdate, kanada, tomorrow.

TLC and tee and ricola


Pass me kleenax

i feel dizzy.

I have a kold

Pleeze do NOT bother me.

MINE other family

this is MINE grindparents. we eight in the perk. do you guess which one is which one? which perk? i ate: crumbs. nothing else. my mather climbed a fence befour we had kofi & krumbs and she fell. now she has a big bruised. i do NOT have any bruised. however, zoey stamped on mine pa. she didnt meen to. however, she did it. i felt embarrassed for her. it is NOT a gut date whan you stamp on a pa. now i will knap. fother is already snoring on zofa. i will "lie" on my precious persian rug and snore. mather tells me i growled in my sleep for the first time ever last week. i dreemed i chased a vairy bad dag who kept jumping so high up to my window. that is rude! i had to growl AND bark. shhhh. i will knap with fother now. the end!

Apres dinner


My grate oma

My ninja pad is in the laundry. Therefore I sunbathe on this beech towel fram my mathers OMA. That is old. How lavely it feels on my tired bones.

Changed my mind

I lake this hat I changed my mind from "no hats!". This is kool.

hot dag

i am two hot. therefore, no i will not blag. plus. i had to say buy to my grindparents. my rist hurts. #bizzy #heatstroke #notime #BOOM

my mather is too bewtifull

i am only allowed blagging if i am a gut boy. therefore, my mather is the most bewtifull. here she wairs a blouse from mexica. deer lard she looks gut! i ate blewberry this "morning". it is too hot for a dag. mather coffs and cuts watermelon. i wait and wait like a gut dag for her to give me a peace and for zoey to visit. i herd her talk to zoey so i herd they will come visit. i cant not wait. i am very excited to have a hallway visit. wot a wanderful mather i have. now i am exhausted. the end.

#CalgaryStrong Song

in trauble

i am grownded from blagging becawse i ate too menny street foods. mather turned off MINE computer and said "i am sik. plus you man NOT eet street food lake fother does. there fore, you may NOT blag.". i am "upset".

The flood

I wuld pee on that dumb flood.

the bow river

mather tould me that the patio out back that is MINE is flooded. this means: i kennot lie out in the son. also, it meens, they donnot have the son to lie in. everybady ken go inner tubing down the bow. maybe amo and ninja should enjoy it. they must sing: "calgary, we are stronger than the storm." lake they sing in new jersey after the hurricane.

The voice

We were entertained at Nana's house.danielle won the voice.


They are loosing agin.

i lave fries

pleez give me that frie, gammy. i lake it.

lafe is bitter but not in a lake

An aging master grew tired of his apprentice’s complaints. One morning, he sent him to get some salt. When the apprentice returned, the master told him to mix a handful of salt in a glass of water and then drink it. “How does it taste?” the master asked. “Bitter,” said the apprentice. The master chuckled and then asked the young man to take the same handful of salt and put it in the lake. The two walked in silence to the nearby lake and once the apprentice swirled his handful of salt in the water, the old man said, “Now drink from the lake.” As the water dripped down the young man’s chin, the master asked, “How does it taste?” “Fresh,” remarked the apprentice. “Do you taste the salt?” asked the master. “No,” said the young man. At this the master sat beside this serious young man, and explained softly, “The pain of life is pure salt; no more, no less. The amount of pain in life remains exactly the same. However, the amount of bitterness we taste depends on the

i lake these

maybe ninja and i ken wair these. and we wuld NOT have to change. it is kool to look lake partners.

i have a sonny disposition

i lake to take lafe as it comes—as long as my mather and fother are with me and i am at home and there are no sudden noises or bad dags around. then, i will kick back and i am easygoing. should i sit on zofa or perch? it doesnt matter. i am easygoing. is it better if my bed is in bedroom or livingroom? it's all good.  #homeishome, #relaxingdag should i go for walk now or in 20 minutes? it's cool either way. beef, bison, chicken or duck for dinner? anything is fein with me. this is the best way to have a wanderfull lafe. just take it as it comes and do NOT have expectations. Mexica or cowgurly? it's all good. just give me a sunpatch and a snack and i ken make it werk. THE END!!

speshul day

today MINE grindmather (gammy) and grindfother (bubba) are coming to visit me. i hope they will bring gifts. i hope they will "play ball". and i hope i will get menny pets on bubba's lap. they are very happy becawse they are on vacashun. i do not enjoi vacation but they lave it. they are going to lave in our nayborhood. i will roll around on their carpet. however, thair is bad "news". they might go to tick country for a day. mather and i will stay home. mather said before the go i ken sit in car and pritend to drive. however, i kennot drive. this is sad. however, i hate to go in cars and mather will buy me a bag of ships to cheer me up. this is the best!

foother's day

today is fother's day! therefore, i am excited to relax and to play. mather says she wants to relax and play with her fother but she kennot. this is sad. her fother must celebrate in haven. thair, he ken eat and drink and enjoy fresh-baked cake and cookies he njoys. if i have no tix, it will be a gud day today. everybady should enjoy themselves on foother's date!

MINE fother

MINE fother had to audition for ballet skools. i learned to tap but i didnt lake it so i refused audition for tap skool. my tap dancing was made into a movie. you ken see it. it is horrible feeling to wear shoos. deer lard, i wont never wair them agin! MINE fother stepped on a gurl's foot in audition. they put him in vancouver ssun so everybady ken laff at him. this is krewl.

my lafe or MINE deth

i am afeared i conducted lyme diseased. fother found a tick on me AGIN! it was fillt with MINE blood. therefore, i could get a chance at lyme disease. tomorrow i must start to take homepathic ledum 1M. mather must take it also. if we die and go lame, we will do it together. or we will cure together becawse we lave each another together. these grass can give me lyme diseased. pleeze pray for me instead of people in the fire and floods. the end!

Eeting dinner

This tastid gut.

Without me

My parints KENNOT be trustid alone. I had to rest at home and wan I'm not their, they act lake fools.

Beech lafe

I almost killt the ball. I will killt it one day if it keeps bouncing and jumping around.


i helped mather check on her lower legs while she checked her hair for tix outside the urgent care clinic. this is helpful sun. i am gut boy. mather lakes to check her hair every 10 minutes for the rest of her lafe.


This is gut during driving in the rein.

MINE holidate

I must be a gut boy and wait for Fother to bring our Mexican foods. We lave it. I hope I didn't get rocky mountain spotted fever. Fother said it was not a deer tick. I do NOT lake to dye.


Fother laves sunburnt. He needs more hair on his body exspecialy his neck. Now it is read.

So cute

Theses dags are too cute. They wantid to join me for Kofi. They are too lettle for Kofi. How silly!

hour anniversary

it is nein years MINE parents got maryed on june 11. therefore, we will go on an anniversary to the hamptons. fother said, "maybe we can buy him an egg for breakfast." mather said "no. we will buy him pucks. maybe we will not find an egg." It is romantik to eat hard-boiled eggs "together" on our anniversary. i will stair out at the see and think about lafe. such as, why doesnt Camper come out to play ever? i kould chase him vairy far. such as: "will i eet venison pucks tonight?" "is peri at zoey's haus? wan will they go fer a walk?" i think of fother who learns german on his phone app and says "button trinkt wasser.". i think of "wair is the best sunpatch." and "why are we by the oshun." then i will sleep but i will NOT trust lafe becawse we are two far from home. i will have hope that we will return to MEIN home.


This is "inaccurate". Dags not allowed to have Kofi indoors. Fine. I will sit outside

wan more

lafe is gut. have a grate birthdate.

fram YOUR cat. bo in haven says "happy birthdate!"

this is a greeting from beau in haven. he farted. fram march 3, 2008:

YOUR barthdate!

fother tot me a knew song for YOUR barthdate! four she's a jolly gut fello fore she's a jolly gut fello forth she's a jolly gut felloOOOOOOO and NOBADY kent de-kinght nobady kent de-knight nobady kent de-knight nobady kent de-knight fourth she's a jolly gut felloOOOOOOO and NOBADY kent de-kinght! this is a "gift". ninjew! i sent munny. please enjoy to buy: woolfort, the canadian boots, cashmeer hat, cakes, and books. it is wanderfull to be so generous. here is moovee. it is krewl. however, everybady laffs and laffs. it brings "joy". to me it brings "pane". mother says she ment to make me feet gut and warm. NO WAY. i REFUSET. i hope the video doesnt werk. June 5: Your daily horoscope IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Do you indulge your passions or do you reject them? Only you can decide but there is a third way this year: you can direct the energy that would have gone into satisfying your desires into so

Hippy barthday

This is me. I wish "have a grate barth date!" fother took me to the perk on his bike. i am in a "sling". it is hot. "it" is hevy.

MINE amo

please show MINE grindmather this. Wasser. the end.

MINE sister

she is two frail. she is "feminine". however, she is lavely becawse she is my seestor. her ears are NOT strong lake MINE. she has NO mohawk becawse she takes after our fother. it's ok. i lave MINE families. and she is cute. her name is darlene. i misst her. the end.


it is importont to share foods with others whom are hangry. such as my fother. he said, "im hangry and i want yogurt, two." then i shared. then mather took picher. than fother made his OWN yogurt bowl. he put "maple syrup" in it. therefore, i am NOT allowed to eet the bowl after. this is a shame. maybe i will put raw meets in yogurt bowl and then i will NOT shair with him. that is an "i for an I".

two hot!

why it is two hot?! fother put me in perk. do you guess which perk is which one? i had a "date" with lola. she is two small. she has NO hairs on her tummy. she will NOT drink water except from a syringe. she growlt at other dags. she is not "kool" lake me. i found many picknicks. i shraed menny treets with her. i am a nice dag. tomorrow i will enjoy less "heet".

heet wave

i am sorry. i will NOT blag in this heet. i am dyeing. mather put water in the fownten for the birds. she washed my hot paws. she dragged me out of the sun in the dag run becawse it was only 32 degrees plus humidity. she put on air conditionair at home. i do NOT lake it. soon the whether will be lavely agin. i kennot wait to play with my dag frineds. the end!