
Showing posts from February, 2017

Be Mine!

All mine deerly ladies plus Lucca and Papa, kennot you not be mine Valentine? I am wan hunk of burning lave with an enlarged hart and a high boddy temperachure! Help yournself!

Home sweat home


Forn lucca

WAN beeautifull piazza krust which I'm NOT allowed.


 Look, Lucca. Here is MINE superior snew fram Nu York. Beeutiful. It is impossible forn me to walk, it is yellow and it is brown slush. It is superior. Don't not be jealous if I look fat. I lake how it shows how rich mine lafe is. Mam and papa say "Let's make him look lake a poor starving dag. NO MORE FOODS NEVER!" You are right, Lady Palma, I have gotten a kind, ginorous nachur and tha best apricot hip which is vairy attractive. Mam sez I am always nice to nother dags but I lake to pritend tuff. Mam laves the 9th circuit judges fram Washington state wairever you live. CONGRATULATIONS!

Mather Nachur

This is forn Laccu. Deerly Laccu, I had not gone out todate except to go to MINE scaffolding in MINE boots, swetter, coat and with papa. Tha snew had blown aboot lake a devil so I kwikly used tha outdoors facility and came home. Than I had enjoyed "hotpatch" and warm home. Wow. Wot a time we are living in. Yesterdate had been wot mam called 15 degrees celsius. I had ranned in Brooklyn and I had enjoyed tha bike basket forn 13 miles all over tha boros. However, it is with a heavy hart I must tell you mam is walking Gabe. Gabe is crazy and not smert. He doesn't not care if he walks in pee, snew, rain. He has gotten an empty hed and wan brane not fully formed. He is hyper, He is insensitive. Sometimes he gives a feeling lake he is related to Jaffrey. He is 8 or 9 and pulls on his leash, takes vitamin every date, gits angry at nother dags. His mam has gotten a cane so MINE mam walks him. I'd wish mam wuld stay home and ignore him. However, she only goes in tha mourning ...

winter in yourn sole

You ken see it is "winter". Every leef is ded. Min hart feels lake kold. I had wokked menny menny steps todate. Mine legs are thin but fast. Mine feets' pads walk kwikly and gingerly overn menny terrains. I had gone overn crackled leefs, twigs, soil, rocks, large rocks, pavement and perk bench. Then I had gotten home and gotten onto MINE heetpatch. Hevenly. Then I had threwn up mine dinner and nobady is sure why. However, mine hart is strong and big lake tha moon so I will continue. Fram tha mind and tha vairy BIG HART of Tubbon B. Peck, a gentleman blagger