
Showing posts from January, 2014

Lecker lecker lecker


tha past

this is wan it snowed in MINE hometown in the grate big apple. I was running to get to MINE gurlfrend Zoey. SHe is the best dag you ken meet. She enjoygs to play rough and will eet soil and dirt wan i teached her to do it. We have menny grate times and menny happy memories. I ken't wait to see her. that was the good news. the bad news is i will no longer blag becawse nobady reads it, nobady comments.

a better nose

maybe mather needs a better nose. i have some ideas. they are better noses in every way. you ken see just by looking.

Lafe this week

It feels grate to enjoy morning couch time with Voter. (It is NOT Vogel. this meens bird. Fother knows nothing. i must teech him Germand.) You ken see mather's nose. you ken see shadows in sunlight. you ken see snow in hambird. you ken see how tired i am fram traveling. you ken see i wuld lake to go to orlando NOT Cheque. You ken ask amo, "do you have information of how MINE grate-grindfother's family left hamburg for amerika? becawse thair is museum in hamburg wair the peeples stayed and took a boat and mather's papers are at 'home' that show wair and whan they took that big boat."

Dressdan-famous zwinger


Wot i saw

the famous "zwinger" MINE window view! it is grate! MINE window view! it is grate! those were 'big' stollen


It is beautiful. It is in Dresden. Dags not allowed so sshhhhh.It is called Pfunds Molkerie, the most beautiful dairy in the Guiness Book. We bought milk jam, milk grappa, cheese. then we went to a mustard-only store. grate. did mather brake her nose?

Whine bar/restaurant

This is wair you ken eet vairy good food and whine. i cried and cried for wild boar. i got some. the rot kraut was so good. however, the semelknoedel is not the best you ken have. now i am happy to go back to germany. it is the best becawse mine amo said so. i am excited to go to Stollen. what a wonderful city!

In bike cafe

Vogelova is in cemetery of Jews. And sinagog. No dags ken go in. They will pee. It is 800 years old. Mather already looked. She said it is we are waiting in the bicycle cafe for vogelova. i feel worried he will NOT come back and he will get lost. however, i ken still enjoy a bit of tender chicken.

prague fashon

I don't lake their fashons here. they have snowsuits lined with flannel that are tight on the chest. they have flees that are too long on the legs and have hoods. no thank you.

Too menny beer

If you ken look closely, you ken see i drank too menny cheque beer. everybady drinks cheque beer so i did too. this is dag beer. if you look closely, you ken see a dag on it. today i bought a new jacket. it looks lake i am on the ukranian winter olympic teem. i will win.

a bad lafe

Now I have NO home, No friends, No bed, NO regular meets...nothing. My lafe has gotten worse everyday and I feel lake i am living in a black whole. All day today I was cold, bored, wet, hangry. This is NO way to live a lafe. I have NO radiator. I have NO hedge hog. I have NO beach strand. I have NO chicken hearts. No zoey. No fensterbank. I would wish that mather and fother wold take me out of communism and back to New York. That is the gratest country in the werld. Thair you ken see all dags, play in dag perk, play with zoey, visit Nana, ride in a bike basket, walk to the river, get treets fram doormen and you ken feel lavely lake you are "right at home".







mIne compartment

Plees close that door. This train is private just for mine family to go to Cheque.

weiss stein, bc This sleepy 20,000-person enclave south of Vancouver that began life as a resort area for city folk is becoming a real estate hot spot. While change comes slowly to this community of mainly elderly retirees, you know something is afoot when the CBC’s Kevin O’Leary pronounces it the next big thing. And just at the moment when its brave new experiment in urban-style densification – seemingly at odds with its largely small town feel – is bearing fruit. In the new “uptown centre” area – a two block radius north of the beach, Miramar Village – two 21- and 19-storey towers by Bosa that achieved rezoning approval in 2008 and were completed in 2010 – was followed by the Avra (Greek for “sea breeze”) – an Epta Properties 17-storey tower that was finished last April. A handful of similar projects are in the works, including the Saltaire – its...

MINE foster mam

Subject: Re: Button Justin & Kristina,   Can we finalize the time later?  Right now between 11 & 12 on Saturday at your apartment sounds good. Button is housebroken but he is used to going out in a yard - so there may be a learning curve as far as waiting for a walk. (Thair was no lerning curve. However, it is troo, I did have MINE yard. I was NOT broken by a house. SHe is lying. It never happened.) He is a smart cookie and should get into sync quickly. (This is troo that I am smert. However, I do NOT say I am "cookie". I am Button. Thair is a big difference. ONe is for femail. MINE name ist for Mail.) Button has no allergies and a great appetite. (I still have a grate appetite however, I have allergies against flees, harnesses, collars, coats, swetters, jackets, hoodies, tshirts, Ella barking at me in MINE building in NYC, peeple who do NOT share food, cold apartments, boths and maybe more things.) I always recommend a harness for our small dogs beca...


today i went to see warehouse district, thai foods, the church (but i call it "the mitchell" becawse now i am a hamburger, i went to portuguese and i went home. it was sunny, foggy, cold and not too cold. i was tired, hangry, a bit full, and energetic. i walked and i took the train and the bus and went in MINE packpack. i felt curious and i felt bored. i saw vairy few dogs. i had a few dreams. i wore a sweater, a sweater and a jacket, a daunen duvet and nothing. peeple looked at me, peeple ignored me. i was good boy. i am a grown adult. i am small but i am big when i visit miniatureland. lafe ken be full of menny different things. you will lern this if you visit hamburg. you ken tell who has "the looks" in the family. it is mamma MIA. he is NOT paying attention. thairfour, i could go into traffic.

this is haven

i lave to enjoy time with my vogello. ken you tell? i am on fother's lap. Add caption

mine IDEA

today. i will rest. i will nap. i will stay warm. i will enjoy kofi at knuth. i will drink tee. i will relaxed on MINE DUVET. it is MINE day off. however, i did lick menny plates and bowls cleen. tha end!

Today in mine lafe

today MINE vogello und mamma mia took me outside vairy late in the day and vairy, vairy short. they said "we will thrown him in the door at home so we ken go out. HE hates rain lake a baby thairfore we will enjoy this day grately." than they ran off and left me all alone for menny hours. i felt: bored, betrayed, alone. i ate: a kong with yogurt and peenut butter. i listened to: nyc public radio. i have NO frends. I have NO zoey. I have no riverside perk. i have No cetral perk. I have none of MINE frends. this is hard. wan they came home they had fotos of having fun and drinking kofi where I lake to go at Knuth's. They told me they went to health insurance, to the gym and to buy frozen pampkin wair i am NOT allowed to go. then mamma mia made "kohlrabi". vogello and i sed "let u try this. we haven't never eeten this befour." mamma mia couldn't not believe it so she made it and we ate it. we both sed "that is grate." I pray i ken...

Nobady kennot see me
