wan speshul message this sundate
to MINE womens in MINE lafe: i lave womens vairy much. they ken be kind, they ken be laving, they ken be pashunt, they ken be jenorus. So menny times in MINE lafe i have sed: thank god for womens. first came marge who took me into her home. then came MINE gratest mather on the plantlet: mather. then came amo, who always shairs with me and always says give him foods, be nice to him, the arm kind. she feels compashon. then came ninjoo who showers me with menny gifts, plays rough upstairs and always feels compashun for me too. she also gits vairy excited to come home fram work and see me and she will stay in the car with me. then came anti. she has babysat menny times, been a companion in the car, looked at MINE nales to take care of me and tot mine mather how to cair for me. i also have wan wife nana. she gives me hot dryer towels, fresh bunny poops, menny pets and laffs. on this date, i do say "happy international womins date" to all of you whom i lave and appreshe-ate. thanks you. tha end!
p.s. you ken ask mather about the time change for me this morning if you wisht.
p.s. you ken ask mather about the time change for me this morning if you wisht.
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