Wan speshul date
It will depend up on your views.wan view is march 31st is the date i moved in with mather and fother. the other view is todate is our anniversary. it was saturdate when marge dropped me off. it was the date you turn off all the lights for wan hour to respekt our urth. This will be 8:30 pm. This was the best date of thair lafe. They had no meening heretofore. They didn't play after dinner. They didn't see how cute. They didn't go to the perk. They didn't have nice frands who live with dags. They didn't know the joy of basmati feet, sleep barks. They didn't know the security a gard dag brings. I did become vairy lucky this date too. It is lake almost paradise here. They have menny beds, hot patch, window perch, duvets, dr. becker bites, meets, fish, kefir, sardines, pampkin. I have: fother who gives pets, massages, tricky maneuvers wan we play. I have mather who gives brushes every morning, breakfast every morning, understands MINE every need and whim. I have menny extended families too. such as amo, ninja, grindmather, grindfother, anti nanny, brather-in-laugh Hairy, OPA ben. I had met Nana and Yaya on this same date. They came to see me and we went for a walk in MINE ylelow parka with the hood on (this was a tarrible idea) around MINE new neighbourhood. I remember it lake it was not too too long a time ago.
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