wan lettle brid told ME it's almost wan brithdate!!!!!!

I had overherd mam say "git a brithdate blag mumble mumble". MINE lard how fast times ken move. It must alredy be mine brithdate time. I have maid wan list forn things that wuld be gud.

Becker bites
tripe bites
stuffy with skweeky
river wok
wisit and playdate with aknee
playdate with tha gotes (exspeshully carmella and bo https://www.westsiderag.com/2019/05/20/the-24-riverside-park-goats-are-becoming-famous-and-have-now-been-profiled-by-the-new-yorker)
nu nitt swetter
romp on spannish bank
sammich fram terrah after
raw tripe after that
sand dig after that
trip to tha cownty wairever thair is cleen sand and cider salad
strahbarry ice creem at tha cownty

p.s also, pls give me wan tik check while you ken zoom in. i have gotten to do this every date.
 p.p.s. Didnt you not heer how frightened tha bare was wan he herd I wasn't not vegan?


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