hoppy grindmather-grindsun date to me & you!
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MINE favrit: snoozing. |
Deerly Amo, Wot a grate date forn us. I have gotten BIG plans to enjoy ourn date wan I git over thair to have a wisit.
We will do everything we lave such as: lie down forn kwite sum time. (This is MINE favrit.)
Git massage and rubs. (You ken combine this with lie-downs witch is grate.)
Walk on dirty sand wairever. (Here you ken feel tha urth putting energy into yourn boddy.)
Eet breds. MINE favrit is white breds softened in tha son and rane.
Eet saltfree foods. (These are tha rools in MINE house: NO salt forn NO dags NEVER!) However, we ken have: rice, meets, froots, yogurt, kefear, salman, turkeys, pupcorn, calliflour, treets.
Hear is wan pome forn you.
My, My, My
Wan date I had been seen by wan ladee
She had seen MINE face and boddy in tha computer
"my, my, my" she sed. "he looks grate"
Wan date I had flown in a creat
To meet wan ladee whom's face I han't not never seen b4
"my, my, my" she sed. "he looks to bee wan handsum dag and wan perfect wate. slim. strong."
Tha date I had met tha ladee
I looked at hern foodladen fingers and into hern face
"my, my, my" I thot. "she looks lake tha perfect date."
Forn dates I had staid with tha ladee
Under tha table I stood without looking at wan another face
"my, my, my" we felt "We kuld be solemates"
This date is is here to celebrate
Wairever we feel we ken commemorate and say
"my, my, my" so menny things these 3 werds ken communicate.
Mams don't not let yourn babies grown up to be cowboys.
They will be wild lake me, ran free sanging while ranning through the prairees and foothills:
"yoodelee doo la doolah yodel dee hee yo ho ho
yodelah yodela ha, dee dee la dee, yipee yip yip yahooo.."
Howling, yodelling cowboy-dags ran wild ran wild ran wild.
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