two things

one thing is. in a large city park, mather had to wipe MEIN arsch. I don't care! if peeples lake to look at bums, it is thair business. thair is nothing interesting about how they look. mind YOUR bizness. however, they ken smell intersting things on a bum and you ken lern menny, menny things.

than, i saw fritzi later. however, she didn't want to have sex and she didn't have her "time" so she didn't smell the best. i pritended to be interested but she was boring me. however, then i played.

at night, i chased eddy. you ken never see him because he is black. i ken always see him becawse i have gud eyes. eddy wance tried to hump on me deer lord, no! i am not a femail! eddy is too young and crazy. now i won't play with him. mather talked and talked and talked and talked with eddy's mather and fother. i herd her say "battoon came to germany for sex tourism. he laves sex. he has menny swetters, menny coats, menny t-shirts, menny harnasses, menny rain jackets." i felt embrassed and bored. i went "exploring". I looked lake an innocent white dot smelling around the benches and grass.

this morning mather woke up to giant pile of vomit. maybe i have the flu and i'm supposed to go out with herstbat and his wife and kids. tha end.

(Editor: He doesn't have the flu. Clearly he ate all kinds of junk and god only knows what by the benches.)


  1. Battoon - When will you learn not to eat street foods. Say hi to Herbert and his family from us and also ask your mather not to tell people you travel for "sex tourism"--that IS embarassing!
    Lave Ninjoo

  2. Deer Batton, Please tell your mather to call me. I am beginning to think she doesn't "care". I will be in a meeting until 11:15 my time but I would lake to talk to her and have asked her to call already menny menny times.



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