i was sick

last night i frew up three times in the perk. i had menny grasses to help MINE stomach. i felt tired before i frew up and i didn't not even ask mather for a rice cake which i lave. now i am vairy tried. i kennot blag.


  1. Poor Moonkey - maybe that's why you were so tired in the Chinese restaurant--because you were getting sick, not because you were boring.

    Hope you feel better today, my little lamb.

    Love Ninja

  2. Hi Moonkey - I would lake to tell you that I am also on portion-control diet. I agree that it is not fun. I also wuld lake to tell you that I have a night "guard". It is very comfortable and I wore it all last night. I think maybe you should "get" one too. I believe you wuld look very cute "wearing" it.

    Lave Ninjoola


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