two things

one thing is. in a large city park, mather had to wipe MEIN arsch. I don't care! if peeples lake to look at bums, it is thair business. thair is nothing interesting about how they look. mind YOUR bizness. however, they ken smell intersting things on a bum and you ken lern menny, menny things. than, i saw fritzi later. however, she didn't want to have sex and she didn't have her "time" so she didn't smell the best. i pritended to be interested but she was boring me. however, then i played. at night, i chased eddy. you ken never see him because he is black. i ken always see him becawse i have gud eyes. eddy wance tried to hump on me deer lord, no! i am not a femail! eddy is too young and crazy. now i won't play with him. mather talked and talked and talked and talked with eddy's mather and fother. i herd her say "battoon came to germany for sex tourism. he laves sex. he has menny swetters, menny coats, menny t-shirts, menny harnasses, menny rain...