
Showing posts from July, 2014

two things

one thing is. in a large city park, mather had to wipe MEIN arsch. I don't care! if peeples lake to look at bums, it is thair business. thair is nothing interesting about how they look. mind YOUR bizness. however, they ken smell intersting things on a bum and you ken lern menny, menny things. than, i saw fritzi later. however, she didn't want to have sex and she didn't have her "time" so she didn't smell the best. i pritended to be interested but she was boring me. however, then i played. at night, i chased eddy. you ken never see him because he is black. i ken always see him becawse i have gud eyes. eddy wance tried to hump on me deer lord, no! i am not a femail! eddy is too young and crazy. now i won't play with him. mather talked and talked and talked and talked with eddy's mather and fother. i herd her say "battoon came to germany for sex tourism. he laves sex. he has menny swetters, menny coats, menny t-shirts, menny harnasses, menny rain...


mather bought me layvurrvursht. fother let me try on a bed. mather and fother took me on a long, hot bike ride and then made me a pillo in tha basket in the hot subway fram fother's tee shirt. look. also, i have NEVER eeten nougat. i am NOT allowed. thairfour i kennot comment. i have eeten peenuts, bred, fish, meets, froots, pampkin, beef, lamb, elk muffins and eggs. i have also eeten sardines, chicken, duck, rabbit, pheasant.


Mather made me a fake bed. It is wanderfull.

I wander

Should I get up? No.

I ken buy prasents

I have menny menny peeces. does amo lake jersey? this is Bio. i have menny, menny peeces i kennot even decide if i should buy wan haus, bred, fish, meets, presaents, a bunny...Does Goodi lake brotkorp? everybady has wan. you ken put bred, froots,...

MINE week this week

I went out for burgers. Holly always gives me foods. i lake her. I went for a bike ride that turned into a NIGHTMARE IN THA RAIN. However, at first it seemed nice becawse we drunk apple juice fram the altes Land. However, MINE computer will NOT post pitchers.

Im tried

I ate beef, surf 'n turf and soil. I got a treet from Tina and Wanda mutti. Now I'm full and exhausted. I will make a good pooh soon.

i got a new bike

you ken see fotos soon. it is big and black. i ken sit and relax and watch the wurld go buy. i ken feel wind in MINE hair and smell fast smells as i zoom past. wot a wanderfull wurld!

Swan lake


Good morning



Amo has to ride in an hart machine?! I kennot beleeve in such a thing. Maybe I Ken ride it too?


This was befour mine tarribal both witch cooled me down.

We are the mens

We need hour rest becawse we werk hard and we play hard.

it is a lie

I have herd mather say goodi told peeple i only blag about "i ate. I slept. I went for a walk.". however, this is a lie. I have blagged on MINE feelings, mine favorites foods, sex, MINE gurlfrends, MINE travels, MINE interesting lafe. EVERYTHING.

"I" did NOT. She did.

She let go. She let go. Without a thought or a word, she let go. She let go of the fear. She let go of the judgments. She let go of the confluence of opinions swarming around her head. She let go of the committee of indecision within her. She let go of all the ‘right’ reasons. Wholly and completely, without hesitation or worry, she just let go. She didn’t ask anyone for advice. She didn’t read a book on how to let go. She didn’t search the scriptures. She just let go. She let go of all of the memories that held her back. She let go of all of the anxiety that kept her from moving forward. She let go of the planning and all of the calculations about how to do it just right. She didn’t promise to let go. She didn’t journal about it. She didn’t write the projected date in her Day-Timer. She made no public announcement and put no ad in the paper. She didn’t check the weather report or read her daily horoscope. She just let go. She didn’t analyze whe...


I lake the wan with the lamp wair you ken bring your gurlfrend over prowdly.   I also lave "nautikal boats."

Party night

I had a grate time partying and being popular. everybady was surprised to see me sit with holly. i also sat with joelle. nobady ken beleeve me. however, i am a man now. i had sex. i lake femails.

you kennot have a birthdate

only peeples who have summer bithdate ken have pants fram me. goodi, yo ken have 2 sizes bigger than mathert. is that grate?

for MINE goodi's bday

do you lake these? mather and fioner want to buy. i ken git you some for your birthdate. i have menny peeces.

I am "hot"

Mine legs are "hot".thairfour pepe sed he wuld carrie me. i still felt "hot" but more relaxed.

I drunk water

Now I am so tarribly tried.

I want out for brunch

Now I'm tried.

i will bite them

don't worry they are MINE parrents. they will NOT cut my throat. if anybady ken try, i will bite with MEIN sharp teeth. It is strong. mather hates how fother and me won't get up. we are vairy tried. we lake to stay in bed together for speshul bonding. we will not get up until brekfast is served.

pleese help me!

Last weak, I bounded with Vogel. However, now mather is back and I ken be bad agin. I ken eet her foods, ran to the window barking. Vogel is strict and won't let me ran barking or make noise to say: "MINE frends Tina and Wanda are outside!!!! Hurry up and open tha door!!! Let's go outside!!" Mather suggested fother cut MINE vocal cords so I kennot bark. I kennot beleeve this idea. Everybady ken torture lettle ones lake me as they pleese. they will burnt in hell lake toast if they touch MINE chords. Everybady compliments MINE voice, growl, bark, groan. I will ran away if they touch them once.

"it" smells grate


Regen proofed

the gurls live here. that is wanda and tina. wairever are they? not outside with me!


fother let me lick that plate. they shuld NOT leeve it for me. it is disgusting. shhh.

a fun dag

however, he lakes big sticks too much.

I kennot have a portion

It is unhealthy.

I feel grater

But I kennot sleep under the covers becawse it is too hot. Tarrible!

i was sick

last night i frew up three times in the perk. i had menny grasses to help MINE stomach. i felt tired before i frew up and i didn't not even ask mather for a rice cake which i lave. now i am vairy tried. i kennot blag.

MINE date

IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY (YESTERDATE) As your ruling planet Mercury moves in your favour on your birthday this year you will move at lightning speed in both mind and body. It’s as if you are making up for all those times when you held back for some reason. Give it everything you’ve got. on mine birthdate, i ate normal portions as a treet. i went to the luneburger heide and walked. i herd mine first real cuckoo. i was carried thru a barefoot park (?!). they sed "he kennot walk here." and i went for shinaysen foods. i almost felt asleep in the shinaysen restorant becawse it was boring.

mine birthdate

this is the best date to have wan birthdate. today i had a full brekfest. they sed: he ken not diet for brekfest. it is his birthdate." i think: "grate."