pupkorn: wan nu tradishun

with mine nose i gave a poke
to wan ladee nin-tha-joke
"put down tha mop, put down tha broom
lets lock the door to the room"
inside on pupkorn we shell feest
you tha beauty and me tha beest!

this kuld bekome wan grate tradishun
wairever we eet and skip tha dishes
no need to cleen, thair is no fuss
no need to vacuum, thair is no muss
insted yourn frand ken be tha hoover
forn all tha krumbs fram here to vancouver

so now i shall take mine leeve
get to werk and roll up mine sleeve
thairs munney to be earned
forn tha pupkorn we yearned
and buttoon is the man
whom ken execute tha plan!!!!


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