wan ladee in weighting

ninjoe ninjoe wair four art thou aren you in tha office and werking hencforth to pay a bill ninjoe ninjoe wair four art thou did you drive back home or walkest you up wan hill ninjoe ninjoe wair four art thou aren you eeting pupkorn all alone in tha room ninjoe ninjoe wair four art thou or aren you really on a werk call using applikashon zoom ninjoe ninjoe wair four art thou aren you practising yourn warrior three ninjoe ninjoe wair four art thou have you finally mastered tha yoga pose called "TREE" ninjoe ninjoe wair four art thou aren you eeting brithdate cake ninjoe ninjoe wair four art thou or aren you getting reddy wan lemon pie to bake?? hoppy pi and cake date to you!