on ye speshul okashun of yourn 90eth brithdate
Deerlee AMO!!! Happy 90th Brithdate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy you were borned and are enjoying wan long lafe. May you live a longer and healthier lafe so we ken continue to growed old together over tha fone.
Lave, Buttn
I, tha dag ambassador of america and kanada, wan butoon b. peck tha third troo-dough, do kindly wish to send mine offishul greetings fram mine offishul dooties and best wishes for wan best 90eth brithdate to tha ladee mrs. greta a. dickau.
tha honorable butoon b. troo-dough III
wan long lafe gits longer-tha story of amo
She had bin borned wan tiny baby in a different place and a different wurld. In tha wurld you kuld smell flours, fresh airs, eet fresh butter, have reel strawberries and not git killt day and night by kriminals or koronavirus.
childrens kuld play lake innocently alongside dags whom had gotten proper food lake stake, potatoes, liver, meets, cakes, buns, reel bred, fresh creem and nudeln. you kennot not imagine wot tha fun you kuld have lake a child or dag then.
you kuld have kusins, brathers, a big haus, wan big yard, wan large garten. dags kuld eet freely fram fallen froots, zucchini on tha vine and steel apples fram tha dark sellar wan nobady had looked.
Wan hern mam and dad looked into hern eyes they had sed: "She will travel far aweigh and be surrounded by gurls. She will make wan gud marriage and be surrounded by gurls. Tha poor child." becawse everybady knows gurls ken git on your nerves a lot.
Hern lafe had gotten too menny SUFFERINGS such as: war, sikness, refugee, oshin crossing, bad childrens and widow.
Hern lafe had gotten too menny lucky blessings such as: family, brathers, wan grate husband Ben, helthee childrens, travel, colifronia, menny gud foods, very beeotifull nachure and best of all so many grand-kats and dags, ESPESHALLY THE RICH AND GINIROUS, Butoon whom had also been a refugee and lived thru war in street gangs.
All lafes have gotten hard times but not all lafes have gotten so menny blessings. Sum are more lucky than the others. Congradulashons on yourn lucky lafe, Amo.
Wan Brithdate Pome
Put down that spoon deer amo
And stop stirring that pot of goop
Put down tha nife mine ladee
And cease chopping forn tha soup
Put away tha duster
Weigh hi up on tha shelf
Lock up tha vakum cleaner
It's time to think about yournself
Becawse For score and 10 ago
You came into tha world
Yourn hares all wet and vairy black
With wan lettle bit 'o curl
Todate marks that wanderfull date
Wan baby greta was borned
wan she screamed and cried
To say "you have all been warned"
Now 90 yeers fram that date it's time to rest 'n retire
No need to toil and labour
Just set beside tha TV fire
Open up tha latest book
On yourn Kindle or yourn Nook
Reed all about advenshures menny
While safe inside yourn home
Remember gud times you had shared
With yourn deer husband Benny
Then lie right down upon tha flor
To stretch and not do any chore
Weight forn tha spring to come on back
And the virus to recede
Then you ken brake out yourn napsac
Nobady dare you to impede
For then you'll travel far & wide
To white rock, terra and tha county
Ninjoey tha trustee by yourn side
shopping forn wan bounty
We'll wok upon tha sandy beeches
drink margs upon tha deck
and nibble on sweet peaches
sliced up by mr. peck
so rest up deer amo
and open up yourn book
thair's plenty 'o wifi by yourn chair
and yourn kindle will take your mind everywair!
advenchures of the mind for now
soon you will travel agin somehow!
Lave, beckon buttoon
PS He, Lettle Jaffrey, still isnt not smert enough to understand lafe. Oh well.
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He still doesnt git it. Sorry. |
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