on ye speshul okashun of yourn 90eth brithdate

Deerlee AMO!!! Happy 90th Brithdate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy you were borned and are enjoying wan long lafe. May you live a longer and healthier lafe so we ken continue to growed old together over tha fone. Lave, Buttn YOURN OFFISHUL GOVERNMENT LETTER ON A SPESHUL BRITHDATE: I, tha dag ambassador of america and kanada, wan butoon b. peck tha third troo-dough, do kindly wish to send mine offishul greetings fram mine offishul dooties and best wishes for wan best 90eth brithdate to tha ladee mrs. greta a. dickau. signed, tha honorable butoon b. troo-dough III wan long lafe gits longer-tha story of amo She had bin borned wan tiny baby in a different place and a different wurld. In tha wurld you kuld smell flours, fresh airs, eet fresh butter, have reel strawberries and not git killt day and night by kriminals or koronavirus. childrens kuld play lake innocently alongside dags whom had gotten proper food lake stake, potatoes, liver, meets, cakes, buns, reel bred, fresh creem and...