tha latest

Last night I threwed up suddenly in MINE bed fram street foods. Then fother and I stripped MINE bed and fother washed it. I thought "wairever should i sleep?"
Nobady cared.
Mather was sleeping. Fother sed it is too bad becawse now it has to dry.
Insted of sleeping on MINE sofa and duvet, I climbed into bed on mather's legs. That felt nice for a change. We spent speshul sleep bonding together.
ninjoke, kennot you beleeve just 9 days ago we were playing on the welcome mat? wot a time it was!
amo, kennot you remember how i sat gently beside you and licked your arm gently. how grate and speshul is it?
i am on a diet so plees don't expect me to be happy. i am week and starving.


  1. My poor dieting lamb. We do remember and wish we had you lake we did 9 days age. We would take better care of "you" than your mather and father who don't care wairever you sleep. Lave Ninjoke


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