

 GINORUS here was an older gent, so kind, With white hairs and hart refined. He knew her brithdate had arrived, And thought of ways to bring her joy. He wrapped a gift with ribbons bright, A walnut she longed for, pure delight. He penned a card with words so sweet, A message thair for her to keep. He baked a cake, a towering sight, With candles that would blaze so bright. Each slice he served with gentle cheer, For her, the one he held so dear. He took her paw and danced around, Their laughter was the sweetest sound. He gave her flours, blooming wide, A fragrant gift, a touch of pride. With every gift, a smile he'd share, A tender glance, a loving care. Her birthday was a day to shine, Because of him, it was divine. So ginorus, his hart so troo, He made her day with love anew. An older gent with spirit high, A brithdate blessing in the sky.


wance she wokked up tha big hill to git sum treets forn him wance she so-ed hisn favrit swetter with thick patches forn him wance she spred wan sheet with cells to make wan balanced meel forn him wance she stopped beside tha rode so he kuld pee agin. yes, forn him. wance she sent menny monies forn help for D.O.G.S. forn him wance she woke up on june 5 and he wisht "hoppy brithdate" forn her she opened wan brag to reed sum words that he had wrotten forn her she chequed tha male forn wan wallet that he had boughted forn her she thot how lucky she had been to git fram him wan pome forn her she scrolled down to find surprised! wan foto fram him forn her b.b. buttons

pome fram poet

  This Is Just To Say -Button Carlos Button I have eaten tha piaza that wasn in tha icebox and witch you weren probably saving for brakefast Forgive me it wasn delicious so saltee and so cheezy

wan ladee in weighting

ninjoe ninjoe wair four art thou aren you in tha office and werking hencforth to pay a bill ninjoe ninjoe wair four art thou did you drive back home or walkest you up wan hill ninjoe ninjoe wair four art thou aren you eeting pupkorn all alone in tha room ninjoe ninjoe wair four art thou or aren you really on a werk call using applikashon zoom ninjoe ninjoe wair four art thou aren you practising yourn warrior three ninjoe ninjoe wair four art thou have you finally mastered tha yoga pose called "TREE" ninjoe ninjoe wair four art thou aren you eeting brithdate cake ninjoe ninjoe wair four art thou or aren you getting reddy wan lemon pie to bake?? hoppy pi and cake date to you!

pupkorn: wan nu tradishun

with mine nose i gave a poke to wan ladee nin-tha-joke "put down tha mop, put down tha broom lets lock the door to the room" inside on pupkorn we shell feest you tha beauty and me tha beest! this kuld bekome wan grate tradishun wairever we eet and skip tha dishes no need to cleen, thair is no fuss no need to vacuum, thair is no muss insted yourn frand ken be tha hoover forn all tha krumbs fram here to vancouver so now i shall take mine leeve get to werk and roll up mine sleeve thairs munney to be earned forn tha pupkorn we yearned and buttoon is the man whom ken execute tha plan!!!!

When I went down

When I went down To MINE back yard I steppt arownd with delikat feets When I went down To MINE back yard I cast wan sharp eye around When I went down To MINE back yard I paced up and down lake a mixed up man When I went down To MINE back yard I noted wairever tha land was bumpy When I went down To MINE back yard I stopped to eet refreshing soil When I went down To MINE back yard I took wan decishon of wair to bild When I went down To MINE back yard I sed"Ninjoke ken put wan haus rite here!" When I went up To MINE back deck I sighed with satisfakshon and sed "Mine werk is done." and got into MINE Muskoka chare

fram him

  I tole him (it is mine frand Walnut) "she wants brags so ken you git busy?!" He doesnt git it but he tried. That is him playing "where's waldo?". He doesn't git that neither. So here is hisn brag for todate brithdate brag that I had gotten to co-write edit too menny times. LAFE By Buddon As told by Walnut Leefs, Stix and Growing Grass That's wairever you lern in Klass To give respekt to mather urth And to yourn sole to give it burth Hare, Teef and Growing Nales Ken show tha passage of time prevails Some fall out and some turn grey If you grow old enuf, do hope & prey Mathers, Woks and Fresh Food Will show you luck & improve yourn Mood Wan gentile kindness or wan gift Will give yourn spirit wan grate lift Do all yourn blessings todate count and Yourn appreesheashun will mount Forn brithdate blessings do abound Fram me Walnut & Buttoon tha hounds! Hoppy Brithdate Wishes and Blessings fram nu york's finest, him and him