eech preshush wan

She made wan KLONE of him todate And than another too They lookt wan grate deel lake him But tha harts were not as pure and troo Thairn noses werent not as tight Thairn eers flopped down all tired Tha legs were not not quite as short Tha branes forn lave weren't properly wired Ken anywan be double-doubled? Why can't she not just git it right? Maybee thair is no weigh to copy Try as you may with alln yourn mite Forn with him she had wan love history He too had troo lave in hisn hart Nobady ken be replaced in lafe Don't even not try to start! Insted look deep inside yournself Wairever lave sees the trooth Eech preshush lafe is wan diamond Be it Button, Mark or Rooth It is tha time of yeer, that needs to rein yeer-round Whan brite joy shines forn no reeson We put aside ourn anger and blame And BE tha lave of this grate seeson Eech yeer and date will come and go Problems do this too Grab onto those you lave And do to them lake you want too Past time forn me to say "I for...