brithdate pome number 173

NAMES wan you call my name "moonkee" remamber all the same that I am just wan lettle wan in body not in brane wan you call up harry dont forget tha trooth he is now yourn brather and has known you since yourn youth wan you tok to karin pleez consider this you ken tok of kats and hare and even reminisce wan you speek hern name "amo" keep a thot inside yourn hed to make sure you remamber she's a woman first insted wan you pray to yourn paw and ask "how are you ben?" make sure you know he lives on fornever, ever and amen wan you yell hisn name "klam" don't forget the trooth he does akt silly some dates becawse his nature is still youth wan you wisper hern name "tuna" apologize insted she was borned in real lafe not fished lake you pretend wan you call out "beau!" pleez try hard to be smart wan you think he isnt not here he's living in yourn hart wan you say hern name "ninjoe" pleez dont get it wrong hern nam...