
They dropped me off with strangers and wokked aweigh laffing. They went out for kofis, beech, hikes in tha son while i was drugged and mutilated. Amo, while I was drugged, they tore out mine teef fram thair sokkets. They starved me. Mam finally came to git me. I had wan wet kneck (nobady has solved that misstery), wan tong hanging out of my mouf, big swellings, blood and stitches inside my mouf. My tiny chiclets were gone. Mine trust evaporated. Mine nales felt short and strange. MINE eers felt emptied of protecshun waxes. They gave me 25% of foods that date to add misery onto misery. All knight I cried while mine legs wuldn't not werk. All knight I cried fram a waking drag knightmere. Mam carried me lake a newborn. Papa carried me lake a newborn. They locked me into mine sleepchare so I kuldn't not git up. Agin they drugged me. They sneeked pills into mine meager foods. I pretended I didn't notice becawse I was starving. Amo, I feel better. But Amo ken i ever forgit? Ken...