Hisn (MINE) Predickshens forn 2121

Deerly Star Followers, Fans, Laving Ladees (LEEPING) and Lavers of ALL things Astrologee, Don't be fooled into thinking I am napping. NO, Frands, he (I) am seeing far into tha fewchure. Here are hisn (MINE) predickshuns forn 2021!!!!! HE will git menny treets, meets, pampkins. Hisn AMO will git him sum liverwurst fram secret fingers. Ninjoke will hide pupkorn fram him in tha bedroom. Papa will PICK HIM UP so he ken relacks whan it is time to go upstares. MAM will refuse to let him on hern lap to rest hisn weery hed on hern bosom. However, he will go to tha beech wan grate deel and drive between adn betwixt nu york and tha sandbank. He might go to cowgirly if you given him foods. Not-carin' will continyou to send BAR fotos and git chocolates and feed cats and drank kofi and git wan job. Harry will git wan promoshun and make more peeces and cook gud foods. I ken see sumthing far far away. ARen they wokking under pom trees or under wan ISIS flag? Nobady ken see that far but they...