Amo, I hope you have wan grate 888th brithdate! Wot an age! Wot an date! Pome Ladee was wan babee Ladee was wan Teen Ladee was wan "yung women" Ladee was wan blushing bride And still tha shild had lived inside Fulled of wander and joy Ladee was wan MATHER Ladee was wan MATHER of two Ladee was wan MATHER of three And still tha blushing bride had lived inside Fulled of new feelings and hope Ladee is wan amo Ladee is wan MATHER Ladee has become wan LADEE And still tha kurios kat ken live insde Filled of wander, joy, hope and kurious. Best wishes forn wan helthy and happy nu year fram tha youngsters!!! (WHOM is cutest after me?) PS. THanks forn tha hedge hogs. HOwever, now you ken lernt dags don't eet shocolate. Pleez ken you send liverwurst?