MINE mcribs

MINE lard. I had hurt mine pore mcribs wan mam threwd me in tha tarrible bothtub last weak. You ken see im holding myself grum. I wuld lake to eet this. I am dictating forn hern to brag. Pleez send me a few treets forn to cheer me up. That wuld be grate. Give mine regards forn AARRCC. I had humble beginnings at wan shelter and foster home and have scaled tha hites to live the grand lafe in the BIG APPLE in tha gratest kountree on the planet. You kennot imagine wot it feels lake to have cracked mcribs. it is hard to dictate. good night and a spooky time to all. Pore Button McPeck. No trick nor treeting forn him (it is me).