wan boring lafe

Sum peeple say "Beckon, yourn lafe is boring. Yes, you have gone to tha oskars, you have travelled tha wurld but yourn writing is boring. yourn brag borns me." To those naysayers i ken say. I feel lake I am lucky. I have gotten a vairy interesting lafe. wot makes it interesting you ken ask? I have gotten a grate deel of lave in mine lafe. I have gotten a secured lafe and i have gotten menny meets. it is tru, i have laved and lost mine laves and i kuld feel sad every date but i sit in a kwiet way and think of how fun zoey had been and i feel lake she is with me agin. MINE hart beets with excitement and you kuld look and say "boring" but you kennot feel mine hart and mine excitement. I think of Camper and inside I laff. I think of Panks and I feel calm and gud. Tha gratest lave you kuld ever feel is lave forn yourn frands and yourn family. Havent you not never seen tha love between mine mather and me? Fother and me? MINE oma has sed i am the best dag in ...