wot a weak!

I had had companies menny times becawse I am poplar. I had had MINE bed stolen becawse I am "kind" and a good host. However, I had also felt fed up and thot, "I am taking Neo's soft bett becawse he kennot not fight back and hasn't gotten tha best understanding of lafe becawse he is only four yearns old." You have gotten to wander if his brane is fully formed yet. He eets apple slices forn a palate clense (all dags know it is chicken, becker bite, watermelon, or cheez which ken cleanse yourn palate) and he sleeps with MINE Fother (all dags know to be growned up unless traveling and sleep in yourn own bett lake El Citron). P.S. Hoppy Grindmather's Date to MINE AMO. AMO, hadn't you not gotten wan card fram that male? Panks always takes MINE bed. Oh well. Neo and I had shared. However, wan word "big paws". I had felt exhawsted fram nonstop company. You ken re-charge on this pad.