i am back to blag and eeger to share mine last month

I had been told "No more blag. Git outside and hike and play and run. I had not had no laptop taken away. I had not been 'punished'. Everybady ken tell I am a gud dag." Mine darling Amo and not-ninjoke, I had misst you. Ken you remamber sunny dates beside tha pool? Blue skies in tha vineyard as we had eeten cheeses and lettuces? Kwyit nights wairever all you ken heer is a bird and a frog and a cricket? Wot a time. Well, lavely ladies and mine frand Lucca, I have gone to tha beech, tha hike and tha restaurants. P.S. I am going to buy mine family a house wairever we ken live lake kings and have birds and frogs and snew every night. I have saved too menny peeces. "playing" abusedt beech me and mam beech beech abuse on a hike mam and me and blanket panks also art fram aiweiwei plus im in tha sling more arts fram ai weiwei pleez dont not cleent mine eers. pleez back off. (polite)