wan embarrassing date

Forn tha past week, Pinkee has been visiting all date daily while hern mam goes to werk. Wot a deeelight! (However, she kennot never replace mine first gurlfrand, mine lave, mine zoey whom I misst every date furever.) Panks is vairy beeutiful but she vairy often doesn't lake me to cuddle, play or lie down neer hern. I let her take mine bed every date all date but she won't properly fall in lave with me 100%). Yesterdate, mam put me in tha both. Tarrible. Painkee kuld smell mine stress so she came to watch me in tha both! This is vairy embarrassing. Kennot you even imagine? Later mam sed I beleeve Pinkee was checking to make sure you are not being abused or you will not drown.