
It had been the best of time, it had been the worst of times. I had been picked up in a car by Panky and Tanya. This is a rare thing. I had broughten Nana and Mama and Papa.. I had not felt lake throwing up. I had satten in Socrates Sculture Garden in Kweens. Then I had gone forn Meksikan. Mama had broughten a harboilt egg forn me in case we were late forn dinner. They had decided: "Forn wan date in his lafe we will give him (me) three skware meels." (Normally I have only gotten brunch and dinner. Yesterdate I ate MINE egg at 2 pm so I wuldnt bother meksikan late brunch nor feel hangry. When I had gotten home I had gotten dinner, too! Wot a date. However, tha trouble started at 5:30 am with a vairy large urgent. Than agin at 9:30 with fresh blood in a tiny urgent. Nobady ken figure out why. I felt hangry agin and have eeten mine brekfest. I am looking forward to dinner. The foto is fram tha socrates perk wairever I had satten with Pankee and not known the delights and hor...